Caesar Flashcards
apello, i
call, name
flumen, fluminis, n.
incolo, incolere, incolui
live in, inhabit
pertineo, pertinere, peprtinui
reach, extend to, belong to
mons, montis, f.
dis, ditis
wealthy, fertile, generous
coninuro, i
swear together & conspire
copia, ae, f.
abundance, supply, store, opportunity, pl. troops
potior, potiri, potitus sum
acquire, get control over
obtineo, obtinere, obtinui, obtentus
maintain, keep hold of, preserve
cogo, cogere, coegi, coactus
collect, put together, gather, force, compel
frumentum, i, n.
grain, wheat
iter, itineris, n.
journey, trip, march
angustus, a, um
carrus, i, m.
paco, i
pacify, soothe
existimo, i
think, judge
untio, i
announce (also nuntius)
obses, obsidis, m and f
impetro, i
obtain, procure, achieve
munitio, munitionis, f
building, fortification
praeficio (facio compound)
put in charge
liberi, orum, m
reliquus, a, um
remaining, left over
iniuria, ae, f
constituo, constituere, constitui, constitutus
set up, settle, arrange, decide
equitatus, us, m.
eques, equitis
cavalryman, knight
prevent, hinger, avert
polliceor, polliceri, pollicitus
princeps, principis
first, earliest, as noun m. leader, chief
accido, accidere, accidi
happen, occur, befall
reperio, reperire, repperi, repertus
find, discover, find out, realize
call, name
apello, i
flumen, fluminis, n.
live in, inhabit
incolo, incolere, incolui
reach, extend to, belong to
pertineo, pertinere, peprtinui
mons, montis, f.
wealthy, fertile, generous
dis, ditis
swear together & conspire
coninuro, i
abundance, supply, store, opportunity, pl. troops
copia, ae, f.
acquire, get control over
potior, potiri, potitus sum
maintain, keep hold of, preserve
obtineo, obtinere, obtinui, obtentus
collect, put together, gather, force, compel
cogo, cogere, coegi, coactus
grain, wheat
frumentum, i, n.
journey, trip, march
iter, itineris, n.
angustus, a, um
carrus, i, m.
pacify, soothe
paco, i
think, judge
existimo, i
announce (also nuntius)
untio, i
obses, obsidis, m and f
obtain, procure, achieve
impetro, i
building, fortification
munitio, munitionis, f
put in charge
praeficio (facio compound)
liberi, orum, m
remaining, left over
reliquus, a, um
iniuria, ae, f
set up, settle, arrange, decide
constituo, constituere, constitui, constitutus
equitatus, us, m.
cavalryman, knight
eques, equitis
prevent, hinger, avert
polliceor, polliceri, pollicitus
first, earliest, as noun m. leader, chief
princeps, principis
happen, occur, befall
accido, accidere, accidi
find, discover, find out, realize
reperio, reperire, repperi, repertus
voluntas, voluntatis, f.
will, wish, intention, approval, willingness
vereor, vereri, veritus sum
respect, revere, be afraid
ostnedo, ostendere, ostendi, ostentus/ostensus
show, exhibit, disclose, declare
mons, montis, m
mountain, hill
explorator, exploratoris, m
scout, spy
nuntio, i
announce, report
collis, collis, m.
fuga, ae, f
impetus, us, m
attach, assault
agmen, agminis, n
line, army, troop
adventus, us, m
expecto, i
await, expect
fleo, flere, flevi, fletus
weep, lament, cry
salus, salutis, f
safety, health
occupo, i
take possession of, seize, occupy
pello, pellere, pepuli, pulsus
strike, push, drive
posco, poscere, poposci
beg, demand, request
cruciatus, us, m
se recipere
(idiom) retreat, escape
will, wish, intention, approval, willingness
voluntas, voluntatis, f.
respect, revere, be afraid
vereor, vereri, veritus sum
show, exhibit, disclose, declare
ostnedo, ostendere, ostendi, ostentus/ostensus
mountain, hill
mons, montis, m
scout, spy
explorator, exploratoris, m
announce, report
nuntio, i
collis, collis, m.
fuga, ae, f
attach, assault
impetus, us, m
line, army, troop
agmen, agminis, n
adventus, us, m
await, expect
expecto, i
weep, lament, cry
fleo, flere, flevi, fletus
safety, health
salus, salutis, f
take possession of, seize, occupy
occupo, i
strike, push, drive
pello, pellere, pepuli, pulsus
beg, demand, request
posco, poscere, poposci
cruciatus, us, m
(idiom) retreat, escape
se recipere