Cat's Cradle Flashcards
What does the author grab “in the face of death”?
His passport and my billfold and my wrist watch in his hands.
What do Angela and Newt grab?
The peculiar thermos jugs filled with ice-nine.
Why does Frank want to meet with the author?
To offer him a job (President of the Republic of San Lorenzo).
What is the author’s reaction to Frank’s proposition?
He asked who else was they he told them NO!
What is his immediate reason? How does Frank assuage these fears?
Said he would have his back. No one would kill him because it was against their religion to be President.
What is the definition of maturity, according to Frank?
Is a bitter disappointment for which no remedy exists, unless laughter can be said to remedy anything.
What is a duffle?
Duffle- the destiny of thousands upon thousands of persons when placed in the hands of a stuppa.
What is a stuppa?
Stuppa- fog bound child.
What was Frank doing at Jack’s Hobby Shop “every day”?
Screwing Jack’s wife every day.
What does it mean to saroon?
To acquiesced to the seeming demands of my vin-dit kind of give up; mercy.
Why does the author start to change his mind?
No election so no one would object, also how he would be when he became president.
What definitely changes his mind?
Gets to marry Mona.
What do Bokononists say when greeting a shy person?
It is not possible to make a mistake.
What is Boko-maru?
Foot business.
What word play does the author use in his poem (homonyms)?
What does Mona say that bothers the author?
She loves everyone the same, she does Boko-maru with other people.
What does he say that bother Mona?
He wanted all her love for himself.
What is a sin-waf?
A man who wants all of somebody’s love.
How do they reconcile?
He tells her he wants her religion too.
What is sacred to the Bokononist?
What, according to the author, explains how “pony men moves stones so big”?
It answered the question itself, dumb terror had moved those stones so big.
What type of ruler does the author plan to become?
A firm, just, and kindly ruler.
An oubliette is a dungeon made with the only entrance/exit being a trap door. Why is it hard to guess which religious sect the minister Dr. Vox Humana belongs to? What is his motto?
It was hard to understand because the chicken and the butcher knife were novelties in so far as my understanding of Christianity went. Find another way to get around trouble.
What is “Papa” Monzano’s bed?
Golden dinghy- life boat of Bokonon’s old schooner.
What hangs around “Papa’s neck?
A chain with a cylinder the size of a rifle cartridge for a pendant. (ice-nine)
What does “Papa” want the author to do?
To kill a guy (Bokonon). Rule science.
What is the reason why Dr. von Koenignswald will perform the last rites for “Papa,” even though he doesn’t believe in the Bokononist religion?
All religions are nothing but lies. Feet make people feel bad.
What does Dyot Meet Mat mean?
“God made mud”.
What do the last rites consist of?
Dialects of the litany.
Why, is it apparent to the author, does Frank really want to give away the presidency?
To do what his father had done; to receive honors and creature comforts while escaping human responsibilities. Working on fuel lines, nothing fancy.
Why does the author decide against inviting Bokonon to the ceremony?
Because their had to be good and bad everywhere.
What is the sweet bouquet of the rum?
Who are the targets caricatures of?
Some real person, and the name of that person was painted on the target’s back and front. Enemies of freedom.
What is the “sacred obligation” of writers?
Produce beauty and enlightenment and comfort at top speed.
What are the possible meanings of Mona that the author provides?
Sublime, cold fish, xylophone, highest form of spirituality gets rid of everything out of life.
Why does the author suddenly respect H. Lowe Crosby?
What he was and could do.
What is the only “aspect of progress that really excites” the citizens of San Lorenzo?
The electric guitar.
How did “Papa” die?
What do Bokononists say when they commit suicide?
Now I will destroy the whole world.
How did Dr. von Koenigswald die?