Cat's Cradle Flashcards
What would happen to all the water on Earth if ice-nine existed?
According to Dr. Breed, does ice-nine exist?
Doesn’t think so.
What does Dr. Breed mean by “yellow press”?
National Inquire.
What did Dr. Hoenikker do with the ice-nine that he created?
Gave it to his kids.
What is a wampeter?
Point that thing many things rotate around.
What are two different types of wampeters?
Waxing and wanning.
What problems does Miss Faust have with truth?
Didn’t think would be only required by truth.
What does Miss Faust believe God is?
Why did Dr. Hoenikker have the photograph of the little war memorial on his desk?
Why doesn’t Miss Faust want the elevator to stop on the fifth floor?
Crazy driver for elevator, mayo this and all things.
What does Mr. Knowles think happened to Dr. Hoenikker when he died?
Couldn’t die different domination.
What word was on the burial marker the author believed belonged to Dr. Hoenikker?
What is the burial marker for Dr. Hoenikker?
40 cm. of marble.
What does the taxi driver want to do?
Find own mother’s tomb, pay respect.
What does the Bokononist saying “peculiar travel suggestions are dancing lessons from God” mean?
Nothing happens fro just a chance.
Who brought Mrs. Hoenikker’s burial marker? Why?
Her children, done nothing for her (husband).
What was Marvin Breed’s reaction to losing the future Emily Hoenikker?
Very heart broken, hits/smashes violin and sends to her.
Obviously, what is ironic about Marvin Breed’s assessment of Dr. Hoenikker?
Created/working on bomb to be a nice person.
What does Marvin Breed believe a great mind should be used for?
Creating love and comfort to your wife/husband.
What is a vin-dit?
Epiphany to follow belief, push by God.
Why, according to Marvin, did Emily marry Dr. Hoenikker?
Play music of the stars, transcend music.
Why is Frank Hoenikker wanted by the police?
Apparently worked for model, got robbed… nothing crazy.
Why did Dr. Hoenikker take his daughter out of high school?
Take care of him/wife died.
Why did Asa Breed’s son decide to give up on science? What does he do instead?
Lost all respect for science, what can be built by science.
Who asked Marvin’s great-grandfather to sculpt and angel tombstone?
Immigrant- same last name.
What is ironic about the statement “I’m still trying to pull the strings of my life back together”?
Cat’s Cradle, pulling life back together…
What does the author find that Frank Hoenikker built?
Model town, perfectly created… trains, etc.
What is naïve about the dreams that Jack had for Frank?
Engineer to build toys, for toy flyer.
What is a wrang-wrang?
Being depressed, stop piety yourself.
Why didn’t the author become a nihilist (what is a nihilist)?
Krab- destroyed apartment, killed cat. Meow around neck. Nihilist- no regard for structure, no regard for anything, no values.
Where does Frank Hoenikker live?
Island San Moreno
What is Frank’s job?
Makes model, designs things, architect.
How did Frank end up on San Lorenzo?
Pleasure trip, sink-found.
Why was he allowed to live in San Lorenzo?
Father, ice-nine got freedom by that.
How does the author end up at San Lorenzo?
Total chance.
Who is he assigned to write an article on?
Juleanne Castle.
Why is the author looking forward to the trip?
Most beautiful girl ever, meet her.
What is a duprass?
Only has 2 people.
Why does H. Lowe Crosby want to move his bicycle factory from Chicago to San Lorenzo?
Ingratiated wanting raises, etc.
Why would the people of San Lorenzo have common sense?
Kill people who breaks the law.
What is a Hoosier? Why is Hazel immensely proud to be one?
Someone from Indiana, everywhere they go someone from Indiana was a leader.
What does she want the author to call her?
What is false karass?
Attempt made up teams.
What is a granfalloon?
False ideas ties false teams together.
What, according to H. Lowe Crosby, is the reason why people are on Earth?
Bicycle, make as many manufacture teams as they can.
According to H. Lowe Crosby, what is the punishment for crime on San Lorenzo?
The hook.
How would H. Lowe Crosby like the United States to punish crime?
Public hangings.
What is the “Chamber of Horrors”?
Wax display of what they do/did for history.
Why doesn’t H. Lowe Crosby like the MIntons?
Soft on communism.
Why did Horlick MInton really get fired?
Critical to Americans.