CAT II Flashcards
Altitude loss after GA pushed?
- 50’ - 100’ = 40’
- < 50’ to 20’ = 20%
- < 10’ = 100%
Missed approach < DH (operational)?
- any failure occurs.
- captain may continue if decided autoland can be conducted safely
AOR 2.2-7.10
Missed approach @ DH (operational)?
- LOC exceeds 1/2 dot (2/3 dot on expanded scale)
- GS exceeds 1 dot
AOR 2.2-7.10
Missed approach > DH (operational)?
- Any indication for CAT II not displayed in EADI
- Any malfunction in the EHSI
- Any malfunction in equipment for CAT II
- Engine failure
- Ground facility failure
(continue CATII if recoverable using EFI switch, otherwise conduct missed approach)
(continue CAT II if recovered, change to CATI and continue if deemed safe, otherwise conduct missed approach)
AOR 2.2-7.10
Missed approach < DH (OM)?
- unable to approach and land normally on the intended runway using normal manoeuvres and rates of descent.
- unable to approach and land normally due to loss of visual reference
- safe landing in touchdown zone impossible
OM 5-3-10
Missed approach @ DH (OM)?
(at DH think vis/dev only
5 total M,CRT,3 (cross)
- airplane can make approach and landing using normal manoeuvres and rates of descent
- In addition to C.R.T (cross bar, RTHL, TDZ), ONE of the following must be identified
a. 3 consecutive lights of the ALS
b. RL or CL
c. TDZ
OM 5-3-10
Missed approach > DH (OM)?
- Approach ban
(RVR less than company minima or any RVR less than 200m) - Ground facilities for CATII become unavailable
(so missed approach not available for operational reasons ie weather. Only airborne equipment failure)
OM 5-3-10
2 cases where downgrade to CAT I possible if deemed safe
- NO AUTOLAND displayed
2. Any malfunction in required equipment for CATII
How to determine ILS signal loss?
- pointers on EADI disappear
- fail flags on EADI appear
- autopilot caution activated
Mandatory missed approach?
think worst case, what will ruin the day
- Engine failure
2. Failure in ILS ground facility
FCC fail actions?
- Above DH: Switch FLT DIR and continue
- Below DH: Switch FLT DIR and continue
(if not recoverable, downgrade to CAT I if safe)
FMC fail actions?
- above DH: downgrade to CAT I and continue (no need checklist)
- below DH: continue if able to autoland
(if not recoverable, downgrade to CAT I)
(change autopilot and transponder)
IRS fault actions?
- above DH: downgrade to CAT I and continue (no need checklist)
- below DH: continue if able to autoland
(if not recoverable, downgrade to CAT I)
ADC fail actions?
- above DH: switch ALTN AIR DATA and continue
- below DH: continue if able to autoland
(if not recoverable, downgrade to CAT I if safe)
FMC fail indications?
- LNAV / VNAV fail (lines through each)
- VTK and MAP on EHSI
- EICAS Caution messages: AUTOPILOT, L/R FMC FAIL
FCC fail indications?
- FD’s disappear
ADC fail indications
VSI, ASI, ALT failures
SG fail actions?
- above DH: switch ALTN EFI and continue
- below DH: continue if able to autoland
(if not recoverable, downgrade to CAT I if safe)
Necessary Conditions of Airborne Equipment (3+)
- Both engines operate normally.
- Either LAND 2 or LAND 3 is displayed both in captain side and copilot side. (NO AUTOLND is not displayed at or above 1,500 ft RA.)
- 2 or 3 IRS’s operate normally in NAV Mode. Autopilots in the channel of operative IRS’s are operative.
- Following equipment operate normally.
AOM 4.3-9.1
RVR required?
Touchdown + either mid or end (US requires end)
AOR 2.2-7.7
Lighting… (think 5’s alive)
- RL (REL)
- CL