Casting/Splint Flashcards
When and why do we want to immobilize a patient?
It decreases pain and allows the injury or Fx to heal in a the correct anatomical position.
What is a buddy splint used for?
Fractured or injury of the toe and finger.
Rule of thumb for buddy splints?
Temporary splint, esp. if a fracture; need to place a gauze in-between the fingers or toes to decrease friction of the skin and DO NOT make it extremely tight. Also, be cautious of putting tape directly onto the skin.
What is the Ulnar Gutter Splint used for?
Boxer’s Fracture
How is the ulnar gutter splint applied?
Applied in neutral position or position of function (like holding a soda can); the wrist is about 15-35 degrees of extension, MCP at 45-90 degrees and PIP/DIP in full extension.
Have your pt hold something while applying the splint.
What is the Radial Gutter Splint?
Not as common but for an injury to the wrist or forearm on the radial side; applied the same as the ulnar gutter w/a hole created for the thumb.
What is the Volar Splint?
The splint or immobilization is on the volar side to not allow flexion of the wrist; mainly used for Carpal Tunnel Syndrom.
It is also useful to rest the wrist extensors.
What is the Sugar Tong Splint and what is it used for?
Aka “U” Splint; used to stable a distal wrist Fx, ankle injuries and also double, wrist and arm injuries.
Indication for a Cylinder Cast?
Patellar Dislocation; it does not incorporate the ankle or foot.
What is the general rule for immobilization and further recommendations?
Immobilize the joint above and below the injury site (ex. Radial mid-shaft - immobilize wrist and elbow).
Must control displacement BOTH longitudinally and rotationally.
There are many rules that apply depending on the bone and fracture type.
Recommendations: post-reduction films to compare with pre-reduction film.
What is external fixation?
Closed Reduction = non-operative manipulation of bone, usually in which the proximal fragment is held stable and the distal fragment is moved into position.
Casts/Splints/External fixation devices that require pins.
What is internal fixation?
Intra-operative pins, wires, screws, plates, intramedullary rod, ORIF.
What does ORIF stand for?
Open Reduction Internal Fixation.
What is traction?
Brief application used for rapid reduction or prolonged application used for gradual reduction, sometimes requires pins.
What is the difference between Casts and Splints?
Casts = circumferential; usually not placed initially due to swelling.
Splint = NOT circumferential; good for initial injury immobilization because it allows for swelling.
What is the Thumb Spica Splint/Cast used for and applied?
Injuries that involve the thumb; it incorporates the thumb MCP and sometimes the IP.