Cashiers Flashcards
It opens at (#)-o’clock. (i.e., a store)
(#)-ji kara desu.
It closes at (#)-o’clock. (i.e., a store)
(#)-ji made desu.
There is a (noun) at (place). (e.g., There is a bathroom at the convenience store).
(Place) ni (noun) ga arimasu. (e.g., Konbini ni toire ga arimasu.)
It’s open from (time 1) to (time 2).
(Time 1)-ji kara (time 2)-ji made desu.
Welcome in [to a store].
[Credit] cards are not accepted.
[Kurejitto] kaado wa chotto…
Please come in.
Douzo ohairikudasai.
Come this way.
Douzo kochira e.
Would you like a bag?
Fukuro ni oireshimasu ka?
Would you like a (spoon/fork/chopsticks)?
(Supuun/fouku/ohashi) wa otsukai ni narimasu ka?
Please wait.
Sho sho omachi kudasai.
Thank you for waiting.
Omatase itashimashita.
Would you like your food microwaved? [At a convenience store]
Obento atatame masuka?
Please press the (age verification) button. [When buying alcohol]
(Nen rei kakuin) botan wo oshite kudasai.
Do you have a point card? [At a convenience store)
Pointo kaado wa omochi desu ka?
Next in line!
Otsugi no kata douzo.
Tsugi de omachi no kata.
How may I help you?
Nan desshouka?
I’m very sorry. [Usually when a shop is out of stock of an item]
Moushiwake arimasen.
Would you like (noun)? [Usually for food or drink]
(Noun) wa ikaga desu ka?
How many people in your group?
Nan mei sama desu ka?
There are no [restaurant/etc.] seats available.
Tadaima manseki to natte orimasu.