At the Airport Flashcards
Where is check in?
Chekku-in wa doko desu ka?
Where is the departure lobby?
Shuppatsu robii wa doko desu ka?
Which gate does this flight leave from?
Shuppatsu gehto wa nanban desu ka?
Where are you flying from?
Dochira kara irasshai mashitaka?
I’m flying from America.
Amerika kara kimashita.
How long are you staying in Japan?
Taizai kikan wa dono kurai desu ka?
I’m staying (#) days. (16)
(#) kan desu. (Juu roku)
What is the purpose of your visit?
Tabi no mokuteki ha nan desu ka?
I’m here for sightseeing.
Kankou desu.
Where are you staying?
Taizaisaki ha doko desu ka?
Customs line - taxed
課税 (kazei)
税関 (zeikan)
Customs line - tax exempt
Customs declaration form
税関申告書 (zeikan shinkokusho)
Do you have anything to declare?
Shinkoku suru mono wa arimasu ka?
I have something to declare.
Hai, nanimo arimasu.
I have nothing to declare.
Iie, nanimo arimasen.
Here is my passport and boarding pass.
Pasupouto to koukuu-ken desu.
Where is the currency exchange?
Ryouga’e-jo wa doko desu ka?