Cases of pronouns Flashcards
. ________ of pronouns also known as ______ are pronouns that act as a subject in a sentence. The subject in a sentence is the one that does the action or performs the activity in that sentence.
I have a big chocolate bar.
You have some ice cream.
He has a cake.
Nominative Case, Subjective case
__________ of pronouns show that something (or someone) belongs to someone (or something).
That’s my shirt.
That shirt is mine.
The house is theirs.
Possessive case
The ________ is used when something is being done to (or given to, etc.) someone. If the pronoun is the receiver or the one who will benefit from the action then that pronoun is in its possessive case.
Give the chocolate to me , please.
Why should I give it to you ?
You could give it to him , instead.
Objective case