Cases in general internal medicine- haem, endo, renal and rheum Flashcards
Atypical organisms causing pneumonia
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
• Chlamydia pneumoniae
• Legionella pneumophila
• Implicated in up to 40% of CAP
Microcytic anaemia
Haematinics • Coeliac screen* (TTG Ab) • Remember red flags • Top & Tail • Order depends on upper/lower GI symptoms
How do you confirm coeliac
*Diagnosis confirmed on duodenal biopsy: villous atrophy
What would you give AF less than 4hrs
DC cardioversion, after 48hr? give digoxin
Causes of blood diarroea
- Infection: infective colitis
- Inflammation: ulcerative/Crohn’s colitis (younger pts)
- Ischaemia: ischaemic colitis (older pts)
- Malignancy
- Diverticulitis
Haemolytic uraemic syndrome
What is microangipathic haemolytic anaemia causes
DIC (Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation)
What happens to the following things in DIC;
Platelets, fibronogen, PT/APTT, D-dimer, fibrin degradation products
DOWN: platelets & fibrinogen – UP: PT/APTT – UP: D‐dimer/ fibrin degradation products
What happens to the following in HUS:
Hb, bilirubin, urea, platelets
– Haemolysis (reduced Hb, increased bilirubin) – Uraemia – reduced plts
What is TTP
• TTP (Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura)
– HUS + fever + neurological manifestations
Haemolytic anaemia, hereditary and aquired causes
• Hereditary – Red cell membrane (hereditary spherocytosis) – Enzyme deficiency (G6PD deficiency) – Haemoglobinopathy (Sickle cell disease, Thalassaemias) • Acquired – Autoimmune – Drugs – Infection – MAHA
What do valvulae conniventes mean
Small bowel obstruction
Look at the hyponatraemia framework
Is there hypovolaemia, euvolaemia and hypervolaemia
Causes of hyponatrameia if patient is hypvolaemic
Clinically hypovolaemic
Low urine sodium
(measure off diuretics)
Causes of hyponatrameia if patient is euvolaemic
Adrenal insufficiency
Short Synacthen test
Plasma & urine osmolality
Causes of hyponatrameia if patient is hypervolaemic
Cardiac failure
Nephrotic syndrome
Fluid overloaded
Low urine sodium
Usual causes of hyponatraemia
Almost all cases due to •ADH
• Rarer causes:
– Excess water intake
– Sodium‐free irrigation solutions (e.g. used in TURP)
Causes of SIADH
- CNS pathology
- Lung pathology
- Drugs (SSRI, TCA, opiates, PPIs, carbamazepine)
- Tumours
Causes of oncholysis
- Trauma
- Thyrotoxicosis
- Fungal infection
- Psoriasis
What test would you do for the following case
- 20 year old woman
- Abdominal pain
- Vomiting
- Type 1 diabetes
- CBG: 20
- Venous pH: 7.20
Capillary ketone
Widespread ST elevation in a young person
What signs might you see on KUB in the case of stones
Pelvi‐ureteric junction obstruction
• Calculus within the dilated renal pelvis
Sources of alkaline phosphatase
Sources: liver & bone
Up in obstructive liver disease & bone disease (malignancy,
fracture, Paget’s disease)
Why is ALP normal in myeloma
Bone: osteoblasts make ALP
• Plasma cell suppress osteoblasts
• ALP is normal in myeloma
What are the signs of multiple myeloma
- Calcium
- Renal impairment
- Anaemia
- Bone
Causes of cavitating lung lesions
Infection – TB – Staph – Klebsiella (e.g. alcoholics) • Inflammation (RA) • Infarction (PE) • Malignancy
Nephrotic sydrome is what
Increased permeability of GBM to protein
What characterises nephrotic syndrome
- Proteinura> 3g/day
- Hypoalbuminaemia
- Oedema
How is Hereditary Haemorrhagic Telangiecstasia inheited
Autosomal dominant
Abnormal blood vessels are where in hereditary
– Skin – Mucous membranes – lungs – Liver – brain