Cases Flashcards
Genitive of Description
Describes a trait - a ___ of ___.
Femina magnAE sapientiAE
A woman of great intellect
Partitive Genitive/Genitive of the Whole
Indicates a whole of a thing: ___ of ___.
Pars urbis
Part of the city
Direct object
Accusative of Duration of Time
For how long something happens
Multos annit vixit
He lived for many years
Accusative of Place to Which
In/ad/sub + accusative
In illam urbem ibit
He will go into that city
Accusative with Infinitive in Indirect Statement
Infinitive + accusative subject:
___ [verb of head] that ___
Iulia putat se esse bonam discipulam
Julia thinks that she is a good student
Indirect object
Dative of Agent
Passive periphrastic + dative:
___ [should be/must be/ought] [verb] ___
Illa femina omnibus laudanda est
That woman should be praised by all
Dative of Reference or Interest
Shows what a statement refers to, whose perspective it’s coming from, or who it pertains to.
Nullius culpae MIHI conscius sum
In my own heart I am conscious of no fault
Ablative of Accompaniment
Cum + ablative
Cum amico id scripsit
He wrote it with his friend
Ablative of Manner
Cum + ablative
Cum cura id scripsit
He wrote it with care.
Ablative of Place Where
In/sub + ablative
In urbe id scripsit
He wrote it in the city
Ablative of Place From Which
Ab/de/ex + ablative
Ex urbe id misit
He sent it from the city
Ablative of Separation
Ab/de/ex + ablative
Ab urbe eos prohibuit
He prohibited them from the city
Ablative of Personal Agent
Ab + ablative
Ab amico id scriptum est
It was written by his friend
Ablative with Cardinal Numbers
Ex/de + ablative: specifies which part of a group
Tres ex navibus discesserunt
Three of the ships departed
Ablative of Comparison
Used in place of “quam”
Consilia tua sunt clariora luce
Your plans are clearer than light
Ablative of Time When or Within Which
You know this, just know it’s out there