Case Study - Cumbria Floods Flashcards
dates (cf)
18th-20th November 2009
human causes (cf) (4)
-lack of dredging
-car caused blockages
physical causes (cf) (4)
-350mm rain on 19th
-31.4cm rain in 1 day
-lakes filled already from previous rain
-steep slopes, impermeable rocks, thin soils, sparse vegetation
primary effects (cf) (8)
-1 death
-1700 houses flooded
-1800 unsafe bridges
->100 flooded businesses
-18 farms damaged badly
-train stations flooded
-250 farms affected
-2.5m flood water left
secondary effects (cf) (11)
-1500 homes without power
-limited access to schools + hospitals
-many abandon homes
-80% of business affected
-£100mil insurance claims
-cost >£275 mil
->12000 tonnes of sand, gravel deposited
-soil erosion
-6% of tourism shut down
-£28,000 av. home repairs
immediate responses (cf) (5)
-emergency services
-appeal raising £10mil
-clothes banks etc
-£1mil aid
long-term responses (cf) (8)
-£4.5mil flood defences
-mobile wall built
-extreme weather warnings from Met
-more river gauges
-more regular dredging
-new embankments
-flood-warning messages
-adverts publicise tourism