Key facts of Brazil
🇧🇷population- 200 million
🇧🇷 5th largesr country
🇧🇷brazillia miracle => industrialisation military dictatorship
🇧🇷1985- change from dictatorship=> democracy
🇧🇷change from rural
Positive impacts of economic growth
💰1/2 population classified as ‘middle class’
💰reduces inequalities
💰universal healthcare
💰public schooling
💰soccor fields & other oppurtunities in favelas
💰exports such as beef, soy, sugar, iron core and coffee
Negative impacts of economic growth
💸 9% live in poverty
💸 12 million live in favelas => no sewage or electricity
💸top 10 emmitters of greenhouse gases
💸 poor transportation
💸80% of deforestation preservation of amazon
💸 sustainability of agriculture
Brazils population structure
Brazil has a wide base because of the lack of contraception, awareness and education ( high birth rate) Brazil also has a high life expectancy because of the investment in health care.
Impacts of Brazil’s development
Education - constant problem which is ignored by the government
Energy - high power consumption so government such make sustainable energy ( santa Antonio hydro electric plant)
Tourism- Rio de Janeiro has huge potential as a tourist destination
Healthcare- guaranteed to everyone in Brazil
Infrastructure- in desperate need of updating and is under pressure
Urbanisation- the migration of people to cities in Brazil has cause many problems
Rural - urban migration(pull)
Higher paying jobs available in the urban areas
Easy access to free health care and education services
Greater availability of leisure facilities (restaurants, cinema etc…)
Rural - urban migration (push)
Poor quality schools in isolated communities
Lack of employment opportunities
Poor access to public services
How many people in Brazil’s middle class?
40 million which is more than half of the population
What is the urban core?
Usually made up of the rich and urban areas of a country
They are well connected and have the majority of services, business , and people generating wealth
What’s in the rural periphery?
Periphery regions are poor
Remote rural areas are often involved in producing raw materials which the core regions will use
Impact of Brazil’s growth on the environment
Deforestation -lots of greenhouse gases
Plant and animal species have declined due to hunting and the destruction of habitats
Agriculture is seriously threatening Brazil’s landscape
Acid rain causes much damage to the environment
Cocoa has been blamed for widespread deforestation
Brazil produces over 161000 tons of solid waste a day