Case Study Flashcards
Strategic Reading Components
- Visualizing
- Paraphrasing
- Clarifying
- Predicting
- Generating Questions
- Summarizing
- Adjusting reading rate
Comprehension: Narrative/Literary Text (CONAR)
Analysis of discussion and writing relating Text-to-Text, Text-to-Self, Text-to-World
Story Elements - Inferential Comp - Story Maps
*Struggling Readers: Focus on key elements of story grammar (Character, Plot, Setting, Mood, Theme, Style)
*English Learners: Clarify cultural context of story
Comprehension: Expository information Texts (COEXP)
- Strategies:
1. Using Text Structures - Pre-reading: Graphic Organizers for background knowledge
2. Using text structures - during and after reading: Study Guides (graphic organizer using questions or fill-in-the-blanks) - Struggling Readers: increase scaffolding on written assignments
- English Learners: build background knowledge with primary language resources
Informal Reading Inventory
The use of a graded series of passages of increasing difficulty to determine student’s strengths, weaknesses, and strategies in word identification and comprehension
Semantic feature analysis
Strategy to develop vocabulary knowledge by establishing shared meaning relationships between words.
Ex: represented in a graphic organizer or matrix that can be completed to show, for example, how words are alike or different.
Systematic Instruction
An organized, sequenced approach to reading instruction that supports students to learn the linguistic elements of English.
Emergent Literacy
Development of the association of print with meaning that begins in a child’s life and continues until stage of conventional reading and writing.
The study of how sentences are formed and of the the grammatical rules that govern their formation.
The pattern or structures of a word or order in sentences, clauses, and phrases.
The direct teaching of syntactic patterns is critical for comprehension of higher level texts as well as for good writing.
Pre-phonetic spelling
writing letters with no particular relationship of letters to sounds
Semi phonetic spelling
writing words with some relationship of letters to sounds
Elkonin Boxes
Used for phonemic awareness activities and spelling activities; illustrate sound/letter correspondence and irregular spelling patterns. The teacher draws a series of boxes corresponding to the number of sounds in the words. The teacher and the student say the word as child points to each box. Then the student writes the letter of letters representing each sound
Strategies to promote fluency
Use guided oral reading such as Choral Reading, Echo Reading (teacher reads a selection aloud and students chorally re-read the selection)
Provide independent practice through reading aloud to an adult, reading along with a recording, ‘whisper reading’ , or Reader’s Theatre
Use Partner Reading: Students read text aloud with another student
QAR techniques
A questioning technique in which students explore the relationship of three levels of questioning: “Right there” questions in which the answers are found directly in the text; “Think and search” questions in which students can infer answers from the written text; and “In my head” questions which students develop from their own knowledge
Independent Reading (INDRD)
- Assessments: Interest Inventories, Reading Attitude Surveys, Book Reports, Formal and Informal Oral Presentations, Individual Conferences
- Strategies:
1. “I+I” - Interesting books at students independent reading level.
2. Reader’s Workshop
3. Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) in class
Determine Reading Levels
- Assessments: Graded Reading Passages assessed for fluency and comprehension, Running Records, Graded Word List (San Diego Quick Assessment)
- Definitions and Strategies:
1. Independent Reading Level: the highest passage a student reads with 95% or more accuracy and scores 90% or more on comprehension. Student can read and understand at this level on their own.
2. Instructional Reading Level: 90-95% accuracy and 60-90% Comprehension - Material can be read and understood by student with help from teacher (textbook).
3. Frustration Reading Level: less than 90% accuracy, less than 60% comprehension. Material should be read orally to student.