Case Study Flashcards
What are the critical points in the chain of events that has to take place after parturition to breeding?
Parturition, cycle again, ovulate/ breed, maintain pregnancy, neonatal mortality
Rectum, prostrate, and bladder location in a dog
prostrate gland
Spermatogenesis steps
Retained testicle
What are the four possible anatomical locations for the retained testicle?
- External to the inguinal canal
- Within the inguinal canal
- Incomplete abdominal cryptorchid- epididymus protrudes into the inguinal canal but the testicle remains in the abdominal cavity.
- Complete abdominal cryptorchid- all structures are retained within the abdominal cavity
Ampullary and vesicular gland
What test would you perform to a potential cryptorchid?
Which stage does meiosis occur?
When does meiosis occur in spermatogenesis?
What is canine pyometra?
Accumulation of purulent secretions in the uterine lumen of sexually intact bitches, with an open or closed cervix (open or closed pyometra)
** endogenous and exogenous gestagens seem to play a role over an extended period
* a canine uterus under the influence of progesterone is susceptible to bacterial infections as progesterone stimulates the growth of the endometrial glands and their secretory activity, along with cervical closeure and suppression of myometrial contractions
*Most bitches with pyometra are presented during the luteal phase of the cycle with purulent vaginal discharge in cases of open pyometer and PU/PD (closed pyometra- often presented at a later stage of disease when endotoxins absorbed from the uterine lumen already resulted in a generalized isllness– elevated WBC count, prerenal azotemia, hyperproteinaemia, and hyperglobulinaemia)
** treated surgically– ovariohysterectomy OR prostaglandins or anti-progesterone
How do uterine infections vary between cows and mares?
In cows it usually occurs post parturition, while in mares it is usually post mating
What do uterine infections typically occur in cows, dogs, and mares?
What does this mean?
Likely a uterine infection
Infection, inflammation
What does progesterone actually do?
Progesterone induces oestrogen receptors, remove progesterone block on the hypothalamus (FSH & LH)
What would you find on a cow’s ovary to be sure she is cycling?
Dominant follicle. Bigger vs. an anoestrous cow.
Could potentially have a “cystic cow”- follicles can become cystic “follicular cysts” or “luteal cycts”- cysts with luteal tissue– follicular cysts can turn into luteal cysts (could give GnRH (other species hcg)–to cause luteinization which would turn it into a luteal cyst– then give PGF2alpha a week later)