Case Study Flashcards
What is a section 75 agreement?
A section 75 agreement is a contract entered into between a landowner and the local council which has the effect of restricting or regulating the development or use of land or requires a payment further to our part of the planning application process.
How is social rent defined?
Social rented accommodation is that provided at an affordable rent and usually manage locally by registered social landlord such as a housing association or cooperative or the local authority or any other housing body regulated by the Scottish housing regulator
What is the statutory Consultee?
A statutory consultee is an organisation or body defined by statute which local planning authorities are legally required to consult before reaching a decision on the relevant planning application
Why was this 2020 application withdrawn by XXXXXXXX?
XXXXXXXX had determined to withdraw the application in order to reassess this in house. The approach taken to launch this application was subsequently decided against.
What information must be provided with a planning permission in principle application?
For planning permission in principle it may be sufficient to submit only:
a location plan and any showing neighbouring land owned by the applicant;
describe the location of access points and of the proposed use.
It is however a matter for planning authorities to consider what additional information they wish to receive in order to determine the application. Regulation 24
What is planning permission in principle? And how is this different from full planning permission?
Planning permission in principle is sought with the applicant wishes to obtain consent to the principle of the development before drawing up a detailed scheme thereby saving expense and risk of that work shit permission not be granted. In this respect it is different from full planning permission because of the information required to be submitted
Why did you review the development plan?
Section 25 of the town and country planning Scotland act as amended requires that applications are determined in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise
What does the Development plan consist of?
At present the development plan consists of the strategic development plan where applicable the local development plan and any supplementary guidance related thereto
What is the strategic development plan?
A strategic development plan is currently in place in the four largest city regions in Scotland addressing land-use issues across local authority boundaries and relative to strategic infrastructure. Local development plans are required to be consistent with strategic development plans
Is the strategic development plan still in force?
Yes, the strategic development plan remains in force until the publication of the National planning framework 4 thereafter they will cease to have affect
What is the status of supplementary guidance?
At present supplementary guidance prepared in relation to the local development or strategic development plan enjoys development plan status under the Planning Etc Scotland Act 2006.
I note that you identified that the emerging local plan with designate the site is protected amenity space what was its provision and the adopted plan at present?
The current local development plan did not designate the site for any particular use
Can you advise what some of the other relevant policies where?
Policy H1 – housing land H2 affordable housing policy P1 layout siting and design
Tell me about the Aberdeenshire Council Housing Land and Affordable Housing Policy?
Policies H1 and H2 of the LPD support the development of housing on sites allocated for that purpose and for proposals that would contribute to meeting the identified need for affordable housing
What is a medium to high flood risk area?
An area where the annual probability of flood occurring is greater than 1: 200 years or 0.5%
How is flood risk calculated?
Flood risk is calculated in the planning guidance issued by SEPA as the probability of flood hazard x the consequences due to the receptor use characteristics.
In this way housing is a very vulnerable use because of the propensity for the receptor to suffer harm from the impact of flooding and the propensity of the receptor recover from the damage of flooding.
Susceptibility and resilience are key
What section of Scottish planning policy advocates the precautionary principle
Managing flood risk and drainage paragraphs 254 to 268
How did the hydrologist get involved?
I contacted the hydrologist responsible for the flood risk assessment undertaken as part of the previous application. He was engaged to provide a refreshed assessment and give advice on a flood prevention strategy.
What’s the hydrologist formally instructed?
Yes, they were asked to refresh flood risk assessment that had been undertaken for a previous scheme and give advice on flood prevention strategy.
Did you check their insurance and that they were qualified?
No, as my employer only engages services from those consultants on its framework their insurance and professional status would have already been confirmed by procurement colleagues before I could issue a purchase order for the works. I recognise the importance of checking these had arrangements/circumstances been different.
Would a duty of care had been created had the advice been given informally or without a fee?
Possibly, it would depend on the circumstances. In the context in which advice was sought here, it was clearly in a professional capacity and the purpose for which the advice was required was made aware to the consultant.
How would you check their insurance and qualifications?
I would ask for them to confirm their credentials and if necessary provide proof of qualification and insurance and check that my client/employer were satisfied with this.
What are the risk categories of flooding?
There are three categories of flood risk: 1 - Little to no risk – annual probability of coastal or water coast flooding less than 0.1% or one and 1000 years 2 - Low to medium risk – annual probability of coastal or watercourse flooding is between 0.1% and 0.5% or between one and 1000 years - 200 years.
3 - Medium to high risk – annual probability of coastal water coast flooding is greater than 0.5% (bracket one: 200 years)
What might a flood prevention scheme on the site have a look like?
The advice from the hydrologist highlighted that a number of flood mitigation measures would be required at a minimum including bond and Swale along the boundaries of the site together with a flat top road hump however There remained concerns about the residual level of flooding that could still occur to the site and the impact of these measures further downstream were difficult to quantify
What is the statutory basis for the Planning Authority to request additional information
The town and country planning development management procedure Scotland regulations 2013 part for section 24 further information provided that the planning authority may require from the applicant further information that it requires to enable them to deal with the application
Does the Scottish government issue any other advice on flood risk and how this can be managed?
The Scottish government provide guidance on flood risk and planning advice flood risk 6/2015 this sets out the considerations of flood risk relative to application and how development management officers should take flood risk into account.
Why was SEPA involved? What was the importance of their input?
Schedule 5 Section 1.(1) of The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2008 (the Development
Management Regulations) requires that planning authorities must, before determining an application for planning permission, consult with SEPA where the
development is likely to result in a material increase in the number of buildings at risk of being damaged by flooding.
Did you consider Planning advice flood risk 6/2015?
Yes, I review the section which set out how appointed officers should approach proposals affected by flood risk.