case: scrotal mass Flashcards
testicular torsion
- clin presentation
- young (12-18 yo)
- severe, sudden pain w N/V
- high riding testis
- profound testicular swelling
- bell clapper deformity
- NO cremasteric reflex
- NO Prehns
testicular torsion
- tx
- manual detorsion (meh)
- surgical emergency*
- orchipexy
11 y.o boy with reactive hydrocele, localized tenderness, “blue-dot” sign
torsion of appendix
whats appendix testis? vestigial remnant of the mullerian duct
tx of torsion of appendix?
surgery only is persistent inflammation/ discomfort
most common cause of scrotal pain in adults in outpatient setting
- gradual onset painful scrotal mass
Man with 2 weeks of swelling, exquisite pain of epididymis and surrounding structures
also has fever, rigors, dysuria, urinary frequeny/ urgency
+ Prehns sign
+ Cremasteric Reflex
acute epididymitis
- less than 6 weeks
Acute epididymitis
- diagnosis?
palpation shows induration and swelling of the epididymus with exquisite tenderness
get UA + culture
discharge? get urethral swab.
considering torsion? get US!
Acute epididymitis
- tx?
if needs inpatient: IV abx, fluids
if just outpatient: NSAIDS, ice, oral abx
chronic epididymitis
- clin presentation?
> 6 weeks
otherwise healthy dude but presents w scrotal pain
less severe
no spesis
maybe heavy physical exertion, biking, trauma
- d/t reflux of urine thru ejeculatory ducts –> “chemical inflammation”
chronic epididymitis
- diagnosis?
epididymal tenderness (less than acute)
UA + culture
urethral swab if d/c present
US if needed
chronic epididymitis
- tx?
infectious? oral abx, nsaids, ice, scrotal elevation*
noninfectious? elevation, rest, warm baths, nsaids
most common complication of mumps infection in adult men?
- gradual onset painful scrotal mass
- inflamm reaction of testes
- indistinguishable from epididymitis!!! (tx is the same)
dilation of the pampiniform plexus of spermatic vv
- LEFT gonadal v drains into left renal v first
vs right gonadal v drains directly into IVC
Varicocele presentation & possible complication
- asymptomatic – dull, aching scrotal pain
complication: testicular atrophy, infertility
Varicocele PE
stand for 10 mins
can do valsalva
varicocele tx
asymptomatic? none!
infertile? pain? testicular atrophy? surgery.
bacterial scrotal infection
scrotal cellulitis
scrotal cellulitis clinical presentation
scrotal warmth, erythema, tenderness
gradual onset
F/C inguinal lymphadenopathy
scrotal cellulitis tx
ABX to cover staph and strep, + MRSA
- inpatient/ outpatient depending on how sick
what complication/ ddx do you NEVER want to miss with scrotal cellulitis?
- necrotizing fasciitis of male genitalia & perineum that primarily involves the subcutaneous tissues
- super smelly!!
- tx: broad spectrum abx; catheter, wound vac…
collection of peritoneal fluid btwn the parietal and visceral layers of the tunica vaginalis
- painless, transilluminates
hydrocele tx?
none! unless symptomatic, then surgical excision
two types of hydrocele “special circumstances”?
- Reactive Hydrocele (occurs w torsion, epididymitis, orchitis)
- Communicating Hydrocele (infancy, diasappears when laying down, needs surgery!)