Case Management Flashcards
What is the overriding objective of the CPR?
To enable the court to deal with cases justly & at proportionate cost
What are the 6 objectives of the court when dealing with cases, as part of their obligation to further the overriding objective?
- Ensure parties are on equal footing
- Save expense
- Deal with case in a way that is proportionate to: amount of money involved, importance of case, complexity of issues, financial position of each party
- Ensure case dealt with expeditiously & fairly
- Allot to it an appropriate share of court’s resources
- Enforce compliance with rules, practice directions, orders
Do the parties to litigation have to further the overriding objective?
Yes - r1.3: positive duty on the parties involved to help the court further the overriding objective
What is the procedure for track allocation?
Provision Allocation when defence filed
→ Court serves on parties notice of proposed allocation, requiring them to file & serve completed directions questionnaire (if multi-track, must also prep case summary, disclosure report, costs budget, budget discussion report)
→ Parties co-operate in completing directions questionnaire (Form N181)
What is set out in the directions questionnaire about settlement?
Solicitor confirms have explained need to settle + parties asked if want 1 months stay to attempt to settle
If agree: court stays proceedings for one month
If don’t agree: objecting party must explain why
& court may of its own initiative order stay of any length for settlement
When do the parties need to file a costs budget as part of the directions questionnaire?
If party legally represented & case likely to be allocated multi-track
What happens if a party fails to file the directions questionnaire?
Claim for money in County Court
Court serves notice on defaulting party, requiring compliance within 7 days (if fail to do so, party’s statements of case automatically struck out
All other cases
Court makes order as it considers appropriate
What is the value of claims in the small claims track?
£10,000 or less
For road traffic personal injury, PSLA damages must not exceed £5,000
What is the value of claims in the fast track?
Between £10,000.01 & £25,000 (usually where trial expected to last not longer than one day)
What kind of directions will the court issue in the fast track?
Standard directions
- Expert evidence usually limited to single joint
- Court’s power to award costs more limited than multi track (generally just summarily at the end)
What is the value of claims in the multi-track?
More than £25,000
Or lower value where trial expected to last more than one day
Which cases will have a case management conference?
What is the purpose of the case management conference?
Held after allocation to identify the live issues between the parties & to set a timetable to trial
Who must attend the case management conference?
If party legally represented, a person familiar with the case & who has authority to make decisions
Nb. where the inadequacy of the person attending leads to the adjournment of CMC, court may order other party’s costs re hearing are paid for either solicitor personally or their firm (wasted costs order)
When might the court order a wasted costs order in relation to attendance at CMC?
If the person attending is not familiar with the case & doesn’t have authority to take decisions
& this inadequacy leads to the adjournment of CMC
(wasted costs order = other party’s costs re hearing are paid for either solicitor personally or their firm)
What is the court’s role in the case management conference?
To review steps taken to date, determine directions needed to progress case in accordance with overriding objective & deal with costs management
What are the 6 required documents for a case management conference?
- Directions Questionnaire
- Case Summary
- Disclosure Report
- Costs Budget
- Budget Discussion Report
- Draft order
When must the costs budget be filed?
For claims under £50k: with the directions questionnaire
For all other claims: no later than 21 days before CMC
What happens if the costs budget is not filed or filed late?
Party will be treated as having filed a budget consisting of court fees only
(Can apply for relief)
When must the Budget Discussion Report be filed?
No later than 7 days before CMC
Once a costs budget has been agreed or approved by the court, can it be revised?
Only if:
(a) Other party agrees or
(b) Court can be persuaded there have been significant unanticipated developments
If revised, must file a budget variation summary sheet
When will the judge at the CMC make a Costs Management Order?
If not satisfied that litigation can be conducted justly & at proportionate cost (ie. costs too high)
What are 4 sanctions available to the court to ensure compliance with overriding objective?
- Striking out statement of case ie. claim/defence comes to immediate halt
- Requiring defaulting party to pay other party’s additional costs on indemnity basis
- Order increasing/reducing interest payable on any damages
- Unless Order (where party has not taken a step in proceedings in accordance with court order)
Will take effect unless party applies to obtain relief
What can a party subject to a sanction do?
Apply to obtain a relief (r3.9)
What factors are taken into account when a relief from sanctions is being considered by the court?
- Is breach serious or significant
- Was there a good reason for the breach
- Evaluate all circumstances