Case Law Flashcards
R v Cara
Service is limited to financial or economic value, & excludes privileges or benefits.
Hayes v R (Pecuniary Advantage)
A pecuniary advantage is….
- anything that enhances the accused’s financial position.
- it is that enhancement which constitutes the element of advantage.
Hayes v R (Valuable Consideration)
A valuable consideration is….
- anything capable of being valuable consideration
- whether of a monetary kind or any other kind
- in short, money or money’s worth
Hayes v R (Dishonestly)
- The question is whether the belief is actually held
- not whether the belief is reasonable
- however, reasonableness may be relevant as evidence
- on the issue of whether the belief was actually held.
R v Misic
Essentially a document is a thing which provides evidence or information or serves as a record.
R v Morley
An intention to deceive requires -
- that the deception is practised in order to deceive the affected party
- purposeful intent is necessary & must exist at the time of deception
R v Crooks
The accused may also be liable if their conduct has amounted to “wilful blindness” & thus is equated to knowledge (conduct of accused amounting to putting their head in the sand)
Fisher v Raven
Credit refers to -
- the obligation on the debtor to pay or repay
- & the time given for them to do so by the creditor
- credit does not extend to an obligation to supply services or goods
R v McKay
Held -
- that the credit had been obtained on booking in
- at that time the accused did not possess an intent to deceive
R v Laverty
It is necessary for the prosecution to prove -
- that the person parting with the property
- was induced to do so by the false representation made
Hayes v R (Use or Attempted Use)
- An unsuccessful use of a document is as much use as a successful one.
- The concept of attempt relates to use, not to the ultimate obtaining of a pecuniary advantage.
- Because the use does not have to be successful, it may be difficult to draw a clear line between use & attempted use.