Case 6 Flashcards
what’s the common basic structure of the vessels in the circulatory system?
- tunica intima: an inner layer comprising of a single layer of flattened endothelial cells, supported by a basement membrane and delicate collagenous tissue
- tunica media: muscular layer
- tunica externa/adventitia: supporting tissue layer
how do the thick walls of large vessels obtain oxygen and nutrients?
- they cannot be sustained by diffusion of oxygen and nutrients from their lumina
- they are supplied by small arteries (vasa vasorum), which run in the tunica adventitia and sends arterioles and capillaries into the tunica media
what are the three types of arteries?
- Elastic arteries:
- These comprise the major distribution vessels, e.g. aorta, the brachiocephalic trunk, common carotid and subclavian arteries and most of the large pulmonary arterial vessels. - Muscular arteries:
- These are the main distributing branches of the arterial tree, e.g. radial, femoral, coronary and cerebral arteries. - Arterioles:
- These are the terminal branches of the arterial tree which supply the capillary beds.
what happens to the amount of elastic tissue and smooth muscle as the vessels become smaller?
the amount of elastic tissue decreases and the smooth muscle component assumes relatively greater prominence
what are pericytes?
cells that occasionally embrace the capillary endothelial cells and may have a contractile function
what are postcapillary venules like?
- Postcapillary venules have a similar structure to large capillaries with an endothelium and pericytes but no smooth muscle layer.
- Postcapillary venules drain into collecting venules which are structurally similar but larger, with more surrounding pericytes.
what do collecting venules drain into?
Collecting venules drain into vessels of increasing diameter which eventually acquire a wall of smooth muscle cells two or three layers thick; at this stage the vessels are called muscular venules.
what do large muscular veins consist of?
- A very narrow tunica intima.
- Tunica media is more substantial, consisting of several layers of smooth muscle separated by layers of collagenous connective tissue and scanty elastic fibres.
- Tunica adventitia is broad and is composed of collagen and contains numerous vasa vasorum (blood vessels that supply the artery itself). Elastic fibres are particularly prominent at the junction between media and adventitia, but there are no distinct elastic laminae as there are in arteries.
what is local blood flow control divided into?
- Acute control:
- Achieved by rapid changes in local vasodilation or vasoconstriction of the arterioles, metarterioles, and precapillary sphincters.
- Occurs within seconds to minutes to provide very rapid maintenance of appropriate local tissue blood flow. - Long-term control:
- Slow, controlled changes in flow over a period of days.
- These long-term changes provide a better control of the flow in proportion to the needs of the tissues.
- These changes come about as a result of an increase or decrease in the physical sizes and numbers of actual blood vessels supplying the tissues.
what is the vasodilator theory for the regulation of local blood flow?
• The greater the rate of metabolism, the greater the rate of formation of vasodilator substances in the tissue cells.
• The vasodilator substances diffuse through the tissues to the precapillary sphincters, metarterioles, and arterioles to cause dilation.
- Adenosine is a particular vasodilator substance and is used in coronary circulation. Another is nitric oxide.
• Vasodilator substances increase in the tissues when blood flow is reduced and cell metabolism continues at the same rate.
• As the concentration of vasodilator metabolites increases, this causes vasodilation of the arterioles, increasing the tissue blood flow and returning the tissue concentration of the metabolites toward normal.
• Vasodilator substances may be released from the tissue in response to oxygen deficiency.
what’s the oxygen lack theory for the regulation of local blood flow? and how relates to metarteriole and precapillary sphincters?
• Oxygen and other nutrients as well are required to cause vascular muscle contraction.
• If there is oxygen deficiency, blood vessels simply relax and therefore naturally dilate.
- Increased utilization of oxygen in the tissues as a result of increased metabolism decreases the availability of oxygen to the smooth muscle fibres in the local blood vessels, and this, too, causes local vasodilation.
- The precapillary sphincters and metarterioles open and close cyclically several times per minute, with the duration of the open phases being proportional to the metabolic needs of the tissues for oxygen.
- The cyclical opening and closing is called vasomotion.
- Because smooth muscle (sphincters) requires oxygen to remain contracted, the strength of contraction of the sphincters would increase with an increase in oxygen concentration.
- Consequently, when the oxygen concentration in the tissue rises above a certain level, the precapillary and metarteriole sphincters close until the tissue cells consume the excess oxygen.
- But when the excess oxygen is gone and the oxygen concentration falls low enough, the sphincters open once more to begin the cycle again.
- what state are precapillary sphincters normally in? what does the number open show?
- The precapillary sphincters are normally either completely open or completely closed.
- The number of precapillary sphincters that are open at any given time is roughly proportional to the requirements of the tissue for nutrition.
what’s reactive hyperaemia?
- When the blood supply to a tissue is blocked for a certain period of time and is then unblocked, blood flow through the tissue increases immediately; this increased blood flow will last in duration around the same amount as the block.
- This phenomenon is called reactive hyperaemia.
- The extra blood flow during the reactive hyperaemia phase lasts long enough to repay the tissue oxygen deficit that has accumulated during the occlusion.
what is acute ‘autoregulation’ of blood flow
- In any tissue of the body, a rapid increase in arterial pressure causes an immediate rise in blood flow.
- But, within a minute, the blood flow in most tissues returns to the normal level, even though the arterial pressure is kept elevated.
- This return of flow toward normal is called acute “autoregulation” of blood flow.
• After autoregulation has occurred, the local blood flow in most body tissues will be related to arterial pressure approximately in accordance with the solid “acute” curve.
what’s the metabolic theory to explain the acute autoregulation mechanism?
- This theory states that when the arterial pressure becomes too great, the excess flow provides too much oxygen and too many other nutrients to the tissues and “washes out” the vasodilators released by the tissues.
- These nutrients (especially oxygen) and decreased tissue levels of vasodilators then cause the blood vessels to constrict and the flow to return nearly to normal despite the increased pressure.
what’s the myogenic theory to explain the acute autoregulation mechanism?
- Sudden stretch of small blood vessels causes the smooth muscle of the vessel wall to contract.
- It has been proposed that when high arterial pressure stretches the vessel this causes reactive vascular constriction that reduces blood flow nearly back to normal.
- At low pressures, the degree of stretch of the vessel is less, so that the smooth muscle relaxes, reducing vascular resistance and helping to return flow toward normal.
- The myogenic mechanism prevents excessive stretch of blood vessel when blood pressure is increased.
what are two mechanisms released by the endothelium that can affect the degree of relaxation or contraction of the arterial wall?
- nitric oxide
- endothelin
what is nitric oxide (NO) released in response to?
to a parasympathetic nervous system stimulation
• NO synthesis and release from endothelial cells are also stimulated by some vasoconstrictors, such as angiotensin II, which bind to specific receptors on endothelial cells.
The increased NO release protects against excessive vasoconstriction
what are the direct and indirect pathways of nitric oxide?
o Direct pathway: the PNS uses NO as a neurotransmitter and has a direct effect on the smooth muscle cells. The drug GTN, once converted into NO, acts directly on the smooth muscle cells.
o Indirect pathway: the PNS uses acetyl choline as a neurotransmitter and stimulates the endothelial cells to produce NO, which then act on the smooth muscle cells.
how is NO synthesised?
Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) enzymes in endothelial cells synthesize NO from arginine and oxygen and by reduction of inorganic nitrate.
what does NO do? and mechanism?
- Activates guanylate cyclase (G-cyclase).
- This increases formation of cGMP, which activates protein kinase G.
- This leads to the dephosphorylation of myosin light chains and sequestration of intracellular Ca2+, with consequent relaxation.
explain how the local metabolic mechanisms for controlling tissue flow have an effect across the body
- When blood flow through a microvascular portion of the circulation increases, this secondarily stimulates the release of NO from larger vessels due to increased flow and shear stress in these vessels.
- The released NO increases the diameters of the larger upstream blood vessels whenever microvascular blood flow increases downstream.
- Without such a response, the effectiveness of local blood flow control would be decreased because a significant part of the resistance to blood flow is in the upstream small arteries.
what happens when endothelial cells are damaged by chronic hypertension or atherosclerosis?
impaired NO synthesis may contribute to excessive vasoconstriction and worsening of the hypertension and endothelial damage
- where’s it present
- when does it increase
- what does it cause
- Endothelin is present in the endothelial cells of all blood vessels.
- It greatly increases when the vessels are injured.
- After severe blood vessel damage, release of local endothelin and subsequent vasoconstriction helps to prevent extensive bleeding from arteries.
what happens if a tissue becomes chronically overactive?
the arterioles and capillary vessels usually increase both in number and size within a few weeks to match the needs of the tissue - this process is called angiogenesis
- It is faster and more complete in the young.
- Vascularity increases in those living in low oxygen environments demonstrating oxygen’s importance in long-term oxygen control.
what stimulates vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and other angiogenic factors that promote vessel growth?
relative lack of oxygen in tissues
how do these factors cause new vessels to sprout from current vessels?
- The first step is dissolution of the basement membrane of the endothelial cells at the point of sprouting.
- Followed by rapid reproduction of new endothelial cells that stream outward through the vessel wall in extended cords directed toward the source of the angiogenic factor.
- The cells in each cord continue to divide and rapidly fold over into a tube.
- Next, the tube connects with another tube budding from another current vessel and forms a capillary loop through which blood begins to flow.
- If the flow is great enough, smooth muscle cells eventually invade the wall, forming arterioles or venules or even larger vessels.
what is collateral circulation? what are the stages?
• When an artery or a vein is blocked, a new vascular channel usually develops around the blockage and allows at least partial resupply of blood to the affected tissue.
- The first stage in this process is dilation of small vascular loops that already connect the vessel above the blockage to the vessel below.
- This is insufficient to provide the nutrients to the tissues. - Further dilation occurs within hours/days and provides sufficient blood flow.
- The collateral vessels continue to grow for many months thereafter, almost always forming multiple small collateral channels rather than one single large vessel.
- The new channels rarely become large enough to supply the blood flow needed during strenuous tissue activity.
what is the equation for blood pressure?
blood pressure = cardiac output (CO) x total peripheral resistance (TRP)
what is stroke volume affected by?
- Preload: the tension in the cardiac myocytes before they contract. Frank Starlings Law of the Heart (dependent on venous return).
- Contractility: the contraction force of the myocardium for a given preload.
- Afterload: the blood pressure in the aorta and pulmonary trunk.
what is heart rate increased and decreased by?
increased by:
- epinephrine and norepinephrine; increase in temperature; thyroid hormone
decreased by:
- acetylcholine; decreases in temperature; intense visceral pain
what can total peripheral resistance be affected by?
- Viscosity of the blood which remains relatively stable.
- Vessel length which remains unchanged.
- Vessel radius which changes.
what is sympathetic tone? (or vasomotor tone)
normally, blood vessels are maintained in state of partial vasoconstriction
what determines the vessel radius? what controlled by?
- Determined by the sympathetic nervous system.
- Normally, blood vessels are maintained in state of partial vasoconstriction. This is known as the sympathetic tone (or vasomotor tone).
- Increased SNS activity: vasoconstriction.
- Decreased SNS activity: vasodilation.
- This is all controlled by the vasomotor centre in medulla oblongata.