Case 1 Flashcards
what percentage of air movement does diaphragmatic and external intercostal muscle contraction count for at rest?
- diaphragmatic contraction accounts for 75% of the air movement in normal breathing at rest
- contraction of external intercostal muscles accounts for 25% of volume of air in lungs at rest
contraction of the scalene muscles causes an increase in which diameter?
anteroposterior diameter
what happens in forced inspiration?
- contraction of the accessory muscles assist the external intercostal muscle in elevating the ribs
- these muscles increase the speed and amount of rib movement
- the accessory muscles include: sternocleidomastoid, scalene muscles (anterior and medius), serratus anterior and pectoralis minor
what happens during inspiration?
- root of the lungs descends and the level of the bifurcation of the trachea may be lowered by as much as two vertebrae
- the bronchi elongate and dilate and the alveolar capillaries dilate, thus assisting the pulmonary circulation
- air is drawn into the bronchial tree as a result of the posterior atmospheric pressure exerted through the upper part of the respiratory tract and the negative pressure on the outer surface of the lungs brought about by the increased volume of the thoracic cavity
- with expansion of lungs, the elastic tissue in the bronchial walls and connective tissue are stretched
- as the diaphragm descends, the costodiaphragmic recess of the pleural cavity opens and the expanding sharp lower edges of the lungs descend
why does elastic recoil of the lungs happen?
- because of the elastic fibres in the connective tissue of the lungs and because of the surface tension of the film of fluid that lines the alveoli
- as water molecules pull together, they also pull on the alveolar walls causing the alveoli to recoil and become smaller
what are the two factors that prevent the lungs from collapsing?
- surfactant (reduce surface tension)
- interpleural pressure
what happens during forced expiration?
- the internal (and innermost) intercostal muscles and the transversus thoracis muscles depress the ribs and reduce the width and depth of the thoracic cavity
- the abdominal muscles:
- external and internal oblique, transversus abdominis and rectus abdominis muscles can assist the internal intercostal muscles in exhalation by compressing the abdomen and forcing the diaphragm upwards - forcible contraction of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall
- quadratus lumborum also contracts to pull down the 12th rib
- serratus posterior inferior and the latissimus dorsi muscles also play a minor role
what happens in expiration?
- roots of the lungs ascend
- bifurcation of the trachea ascends
- bronchi shorten and contract
- elastic tissue of the lungs recoils and the lungs become reduced in size
- diaphragm moves upwards
- the lower margins of the lung shrink and rise
describe the voluntary and involuntary components of respiratory control
- the involuntary respiratory centres regulate the activities of the respiratory muscles involved in quiet respiration
- they control the respiratory volume by adjusting the frequency and depth of pulmonary ventilation
this reflects the activity in the cerebral cortex that affects either
- the output of the respiratory centres in the medulla oblongata and pons
- the motor neurons in the spinal cord that control respiratory muscles
what are the respiratory centres?
three pairs of nuclei (clusters of nerve cell bodies) in the medulla oblongata and pons
what are the respiratory centres of the medulla oblongata?
- dorsal respiratory group (DRG)
2. ventral respiratory group (VRG)
describe the DRG
- where’s it located
- what does it control
- with which nerves
- located in the dorsal portion of the medulla oblongata
- DRG controls mostly inspiratory movements and their timing
- it controls both quiet and forced inspiration
DRG’s inspiratory centre controls:
- the phrenic nerve which innervates the diaphragm
- the intercostal nerves which innervate the external intercostal muscles
- nerves which innervate the accessory respiratory muscles involved in maximal inhalation (scalene muscles, sternocleidomastoid, serratus anterior and pectoralis minor)
describe the ventral respiratory group (VRG)
- located in the ventrolateral part of the medulla
- mainly causes forced expiration
VRG’s expiratory centre controls:
- the intercostal nerves which innervate the internal (and innermost) intercostal muscles
- nerves which innervate the accessory respiratory muscles involved in active exhalation (abdominal muscles mainly)
VRG’s inspiratory centre aids the DRG during forced inspiration - this centre controls:
- nerves which innervate the accessory respiratory muscles involved maximal inhalation (scalene muscles, sternocleidomastoid, serratus anterior and pectoralis minor)
- when the respiratory drive for increased pulmonary ventilation becomes greater than normal, respiratory signals spill over the VRG from the DRG
- this activates the inspiratory centre of the VRG, allowing it to innervate the accessory respiratory muscles of forced inspiration
describe the inspiratory ‘ramp’ signals in normal respiration
the signals sent from the respiratory centres to the respiratory muscles occur in bursts of action potentials
1) The signals begin weakly and increase steadily in a ramp manner for about 2 seconds, providing the stimulation to the inspiratory muscles (inhalation occurs).
2) Then, the signals cease abruptly for approximately the next 3 seconds, which turns off the excitation of the diaphragm and allows elastic recoil of the lungs and the chest wall to cause expiration (passive exhalation occurs).
3) Next, the inspiratory signal begins again and this cycle repeats again, with expiration occurring in between.
what is the advantage of the ‘ramp’?
causes a steady increase in the volume of the lungs during inspiration, rather that inspiratory gasps
describe what happens to the ramps in deep breathing and faster breathing
Deep breathing:
- the signals become stronger more quickly
- the rate of increase of the ramp signal is faster
Faster breathing:
- the signals start and cease earlier
- the ramps are less than 2 seconds
what are the respiratory centres of the pons? and what do they do?
apneustic centres and penumotaxic centres of the pons adjust the output of DRG and VRG
- their activities regulate the respiratory rate and depth of respiration in response to stimuli or other centres in the brain
what are the stimuli or other centres in the brain that they respond to?
stimuli: impulses from receptors around the body are carried via the vagus or glossopharyngeal nerves to eh respiratory centres
other centres: these include hypothalamus or the cerebrum
describe apneustic centres
- where’s it located
- what does it do
- what does it coordinate
- how is it inhibited
- located in the lower pons
- provides continuous stimulation to the DRG, resulting in a long, deep inhalation
- continuous stimulation builds the ramp signal during quiet inspiration
- it coordinates transition between inhalation and exhalation
- under normal conditions, after the 2 seconds, the apneustic centre is inhibited by the pneumotaxic centre on the same side
describe pneumotaxic centres
- where
- what does it do
- what alters activity
- located in the upper pons
- this inhibits the aponeustic centre - it controls the ‘switch-off’ point of the ramp signal, thus limiting inspiration
- centres in the hypothalamus and cerebrum can alter the activity of the pneumotaxic centres, as well as the respiratory rate and depth
the activities of the respiratory centres are modified by sensory information from several sources - what are these?
(respiratory reflexes)
- chemoreceptor
- baroreceptors: changes in blood pressure
- stretch receptors: changes in volume of the lungs
- irritating physical/chemical stimuli in the nasal cavity, larynx or bronchial tree
- other sensations: pain, changes in body temperature and abnormal visceral sensations
what does excess carbon dioxide or excess hydrogen ions and oxygen act on?
- Excess carbon dioxide or excess hydrogen ions in the blood mainly act directly on the respiratory centre itself, causing greatly increased strength of both the inspiratory and the expiratory motor signals to the respiratory muscles
- Oxygen in contrast acts almost entirely on peripheral chemoreceptors located in the carotid and aortic bodies, and these in turn transmit appropriate nervous signals to the respiratory center for control of respiration
describe the direct chemical control of respiratory centre by H+ ions and CO2
- A chemosensitive area is located bilaterally, lying beneath the ventral surface of the medulla.
- This area is highly sensitive to changes in either blood PCO2 or hydrogen ion concentration, and it in turn excites the other portions of the respiratory centre.
- Carbon dioxide has little direct effect in stimulating the neurons in the chemosensitive area.
- Hydrogen ions have a direct effect in stimulating the neurons in the chemosensitive area.
- However, hydrogen ions cannot pass through the blood-brain barrier.
- Carbon dioxide can cross the blood-brain barrier.
- Carbon dioxide crosses the barrier and reacts with the water of the tissues to form carbonic acid, which dissociates into hydrogen and bicarbonate ions; the hydrogen ions then have a direct stimulatory effect on the chemosensitive area in the brain.
- Therefore, more hydrogen ions are released into the respiratory chemosensitive sensory area of the medulla when the blood carbon dioxide concentration increases than when the blood hydrogen ion concentration increases.
- For this reason, respiratory centre activity is increased very strongly by changes in blood carbon dioxide.
explain the regulation of respiration during exercise and what causes it
- In strenuous exercise the arterial PCO2, pH and PO2 remain almost exactly normal.
- Therefore, the increased ventilation doesn’t occur as a result of alterations in the arterial PCO2, pH or PO2.
- It is likely that most of the increase in respiration results from neurogenic signals transmitted directly into the brain stem respiratory centre at the same time that signals go to the body muscles to cause muscle contraction.
- The onset of exercise, the alveolar ventilation increases instantaneously, without an initial increase in arterial Pco2. In fact, this increase in ventilation is usually great enough so that at first it actually decreases arterial Pco2 below normal. The presumed reason that the ventilation forges ahead of the build-up of blood carbon dioxide is that the brain provides an “anticipatory” stimulation of respiration at the onset of exercise, causing extra alveolar ventilation even before it is needed.
where are peripheral chemoreceptors located? and what are they important for?
- Located outside the brain.
- Important for detecting changes in oxygen levels in the blood.
- Transmit nervous signals to the respiratory centres in the brain.
- Carotid bodies: found in the carotid arteries. Their nerve fibres pass through the glossopharyngeal nerves and then to the dorsal respiratory area.
- Aortic bodies: found in the arch of the aorta. Their nerve fibres pass through the vagi, also to the dorsal respiratory area.
which nerves do carotid bodies and aortic bodies send information through to the dorsal respiratory area?
Carotid bodies = glossopharyngeal nerves
Aortic bodies = vagi nerves (A and V look similar)
where are stretch receptors located?
Located in the muscular portions of the walls of the bronchi and bronchioles throughout the lungs
through which nerve do stretch receptors send information through and to where? and when?
through the vagus nerve into the dorsal respiratory group of neurons when the lungs become over stretched
- when the lungs become over inflated, the stretch receptors activate an appropriate feedback response that ‘switches off’ the inspiratory ramp and thus stops further inspiration
- Hering-Breuer inflation reflex - this reflex also increases the rate of respiration
local regulation of gas transport and alveolar function:
- what happens when there’s a rising PCO2 in normal tissue
- what happens in alveolar capillaries
- what happens in bronchioles
- The rising Pco2 relaxes smooth muscle in walls of arteries and capillaries, causing vasodilation and so increasing blood flow
- In alveolar capillaries, blood is directed where Po2 is relatively high, this occurs because alveolar capillaries constrict when local Po2 is low
- In bronchioles, oxygen is directed towards lobules where Pco2 is high, because these lobules are actively engaged in gas exchange - this occurs because smooth muscle in the bronchioles bronchodilate when Pco2 is high
what are causes of hypoxia?
- Inadequate oxygenation of the blood in the lungs because of extrinsic reasons
- Deficiency of oxygen in the atmosphere
- Hypoventilation (neuromuscular disorders) - Pulmonary disease
- Hypoventilation caused by increased airway resistance or decreased pulmonary compliance
- Abnormal alveolar ventilation – perfusion ratio
- Diminished respiratory membrane diffusion - Venous-to-arterial shunts (“right-to-left cardiac shunts”) – allows blood to flow from the right heart to the left heart
- Inadequate oxygen transport to the tissues by the blood
- Anaemia or abnormal haemoglobin
- General circulatory deficiency
- Localized circulatory deficiency (peripheral, cerebral, coronary vessels etc)
- Tissue oedema - Inadequate tissue capability of using oxygen
- Poisoning of cellular oxidation enzymes (cyanide poisoning)
- Diminished cellular metabolic capacity for using oxygen, because of toxicity, vitamin deficiency, or other factors
what causes cyanosis?
- caused as a result of excessive amounts of deoxygenated haemoglobin in the skin blood vessels
- this deoxygenated blood has an intense dark blue-purple colour that is transmitted through the skin
what is pleural pressure? and what is it normally?
- the pressure of the ‘fluid’ in the pleural cavity
- normally it is slightly negative and becomes more negative during inspiration
when is the pressure in all parts of the respiratory tree equal to atmospheric pressure? and what is this considered to be?
- when the glottis is open and no air is flowing into or out of the lungs
- considered to be zero reference pressure in the airways - that is, 0 cmH2O
the slight negative pressure of -1 cmH2O is enough for what to happen?
enough to pull 0.5 litres of air into the lungs in the 2 seconds required for normal quiet inspiration
what does work of breathing depend on?
- Tidal volume: increased tidal volume = more work done by the lungs
- Respiratory frequency: increased frequency = more work done by the lungs
- Lung compliance: increased compliance = less work done by the lungs
- Airways resistance: increased resistance = more work done by the lungs
equation for airflow?
change in pressure/airways resistance
change in pressure = Palv - Patm
airways resistance is proportional to length/radius^4
how does length affect airway resistance?
the longer the airway, the greater the airways resistance
what is surfactant? what is it secreted by? and what’s it composed of?
- This is a surface active agent in water, which means that it greatly reduces the surface tension of water.
- It is secreted by special surfactant-secreting epithelial cells called type II alveolar epithelial cells, which constitute about 10% of the surface area of the alveoli.
- Surfactant is a complex mixture of several phospholipids, proteins, and ions.
what is the clinical presentation of pneumothorax?
- sudden onset of unilateral pleuritic pain
- progressively increasing breathlessness
- if the pneumothorax enlarges, the patient becomes more breathless and may develop pallor and tachycardia
what are the 4 types of pneumothorax?
- primary spontaneous pneumothorax
- secondary spontaneous pneumothorax
- traumatic pneumothorax
- tension pneumothorax
what is the most common type of pneumothorax?
primary spontaneous pneumothorax
primary spontaneous pneumothorax:
- cause
- what happens
- whose usually affected
- male to female ratio
- outcome
- risk factors
- treatment
- caused by rupture of a small subpleural emphysematous bulla or pulmonary bleb (usually apical)
- thought to be due to congenital defects in the connective tissue
- this is a weakness and out-pouching of the lung tissue, which can rupture
- this introduces air into the pleural space, causing the lung to start collapsing
- as the lung collapses, the hole formed by the ruptured bleb seals, preventing more air from entering the intrapleural cavity
- tall, thin, young men (20-40 years) with no underlying disease usually affected
- in patient over 40 years, the usual cause is underlying COPD
- male: female ratio = 5:1
- rarely causes significant physiological disturbance
- at higher risk if already had one spontaneous pneumothorax
- risk factor: smoking
- treatment: pleurodesis (needle aspiration and chest drain) to fuse visceral and parietal pleura by medical (bleomycin/talc) or surgical (abrasion of pleural lining)
secondary spontaneous pneumothorax:
- seriousness
- cause
- most at risk group
- much more deadly
- caused by respiratory diseases that damage lung structure: most commonly COPD and asthma, infective diseases (pneumonia), rarely inherited diseases
- incidence increases with age and severity of underlying disease
- usually occurs in males >55 years
- ICU patients with lung disease are at a particular risk due to high presses (barotrauma) and alveolar distention (volutrauma) associated with mechanical ventilation