Case 3 EPH2022 Flashcards
What are determinants of health?
Range of personal, social, economic & environmental factors which determine health status of indivdiuals/populations
What are the determinants of health?
- Biological
- Behavioural
- Environmental
- Social
Explain biological detrminants of health
- Features of human body that affect health including genetic structures
- Age also determinant coz deterioration of cell functions. in old age can increase susceptibility to disease.
Explain behavioural determinants of health
Lifestyle factors of tobacco smoking, alcohol, drugs, diet, exercise, etc
Explain environmental determinants of health
Factors in physical environment that affect health:
- features of man-made environments e.g. air pollution, availability of sewage systems
- features of natural environment e.g. weather events, insect-born disease vectors, availability of fresh water.
*Explain social determinants of health
Factors in daily life that affect health include:
- living & working conditions
- availability of healthy foods
- access to healthcare
- higher-level socioeconomic & political factors that affect distribution of power, money, resources
- Not all health inequalities between populations are socially determined. E.g. women have higher rates of breast cancer than men due to biological differences but socioeconomic factors may determine the access to treatment.
What is micro level?
(individual level/green in figure with boxes) –> individual factors such as skills, atitutdes, lifestyle, etc.
What is meso level?
Group level (yellow & blue in fig 1 of boxes): physical and social environment
What is macro level?
Community/governmental level (purple in fig 1 boxes): policies, social norms & values, economic systems.
Macro is about influencing the smaller levels & policies have an infleunce on the environment.
What are some social determinants of health?
- Healthcare services - universal access to primary healthcare.
- Income, education & employment status - education affect employment status = affects income = affects educational opportunities across generations.
- Employment conditions
- Gender - discrimmination, unfair divisions of work, lower wages, restricted access to education & healthcare
- Social & cultural determinants of health - indigenous people have worse health than non-indigenous people
- Urbanisation & health - risks around environment (air noise, traffic), human factors (social isolation & safety), behaviours (healthy eating, PA)
- Globalization & commercial determinants of health
- Climate change & social determinants of health - extreme weather events, sea level rise, flooding, changing vectors of contagious disease, los of land, reduced access to fresh water. ->Social impacts include possibility of environmental refugees who are forced to move due to environemntal conditions & they are then very vulnerable to poor health.
How can the workplace setting play a role in health promotion?
- Facilitating environment that makes health promoting behaviour the easiest behaviour to perform = critical for changing behaviour of at-risk population & changing environmental conditions.
What is meant by environmental conditions?
- Social influences (e.g. norms, social support & reinforcement) & structural infleunces (access to resources, organisational climate, policies)
- State of given environment that infleunces health either directly or indirectly through behaviour
- E.g. accessibility of hiking & biking trails = environmental codnition that may facilitate physical activity
What is the Luxembourg Declaration
The organisation agrees to principles set out in the Luxembourg declaration for WHP in the EU & apply them to company occupational health & safety services.
What are the principles of the Luxembourg declaration?
- Employees not only as cost factors but important success factors.
- Include participation of employees & assume responsibility
- Balance job demands with own personal skills & control own work & social support.
- Incorporate health targets in all areas of company
- Integrated occupational health & safety services
- Inclusion of employees in health issues at all levels
- Systematic implementation of all measures & programmes (project management)
- Linking risk reduction strategies with development of safety factors & health potentials (comprehensive approach)
How can the target population be included at the workplace?
- Free bikes, gym memberships (but often done used)
Define work characteristics
health-adverse physical/chemical hazards or psychosocial working conditions