Case 12 - 16 yo female with vagina bleeding and UCG Flashcards
Chlamydia epidemiology
most common bacterial STD in the US
Chlamydia risk factors
age white
Chlamydia course of disease
Often insidious and asx
In women: urethritis, cervicitis, PID, infertility, ectopic preg, chronic pelvic pain
Pregnant women: miscarriage, PROM, preterm labor, LBW, infant mortality
Chlamydia screening test
NAAT with urine and vaginal swabs
Chlamydia screening recommendations
Strongly recommend screening:
- all sexually active women under 24
- non-pregnant women over 25 at increased risk (hx of STDs)
Recommend screening:
- all pregnant women 24 and under
- pregnant women over 25 at increased risk
Advised against screening women over 25 if low risk regardless of pregnancy status
Insufficient evidence for or against screening men
Characteristics of a good screening test
Sensitive, specific, condition has high prevalence, has latent stage of dz, effective treatment, minimal cost/effort/adverse effects
Immunizations with pregnancy
- must wait 3 months after live attenuated vaccine to have protection from fetal complications (MMR, rubella, varicella)
- pneumococcal vaccine if high risk
- flu vaccine yearly
Preconception counseling
Genetic: folic acid supplement, carrier screening
Infectious diseases: HIV, RPR, Hep B immunization, toxo counseling, CMV parvo counseling, rubella and varicella immunizations
Envi: occupational exposures, household, smoking cessation, alcohol/illegal drugs
Medical: optimize diabetes control, avoid ACEI, ARB, HCTZ, optimize epilepsy, take off warfarin, avoid benzos
Lifestyle: recommend exercise, obesity counseling, assess nutritional deficiencies, limit caffeine
Sx of pregnancy
amenorrhea (only reported in 68% of pregnant adolescents) fatigue, n/v, breast changes, urinary frequency
Gestational development
5 weeks - heartbeat
8 weeks - enlarged uterus palpable on bimanual exam
10-12 weeks - fetal heart tone on handheld doppler, uterine fundus palpable above pubic symphysis
18-20 weeks - fetal quickening
20-36 - uterine enlargement
estimated delivery date
Naegele’s rule: LMP + 1 year, subtract 3 months, add 1 week
Reproductive choice counseling
Continue pregnancy and raise child or create adoption plan
Terminate pregnancy with medication or aspiration
Miscarriage epidemiology
1/2 of all miscarriages in first trimester due to chromosomal abnormalities
1/3 of all pregnancies end in miscarriage
87% of women who have had miscarriages have subsequent normal births
First trimester bleeding epidemiology
1/4 pregnancies have bleeding in first trimester
women with significant first trimester bleeding have 25-50% chance of miscarriage
non-emergent if benign abd exam and stable hemodynamics
emergent if tachy or hypotensive, or if abd exam suggests intraperitoneal bleeding
Adolescent interview: HEEADSSS
Home Education/employment Eating Activities Drugs Sexuality Suicide/depression Safety/violence
Goodell’s sign
softening of cervix
Hegar’s sign
softening of uterus
Chadwick’s sign
bluish-purple hue in cervix and vaginal walls caused by hyperemia
What PE would support diagnosis of spontaneous abortion?
dilated cervical os with obvious bleeding
No clinical significance, os appears red from endocervical epithelium protruding, common in women on OCPs
DDx for 1st trimester bleeding - more likely
- Spontaneous abortion
- inevitable abortion - dilated os
- incomplete abortion - some but not all intrauterine contents expelled
- missed abortion - fetal demise without cervical dilation and/or uterine activity
- septic abortion - with intrauterine infection
- complete abortion - products of conception have been completely expelled
- threatened abortion - a pregnancy complicated by bleeding before 20 weeks gestation - Ectopic pregnancy - can’t be ruled in or out on ultrasound
- Idiopathic bleeding in normal pregnancy
DDx for 1st trimester bleeding - less likely
- molar pregnancy - characteristic appearance on ultrasound and markedly elevated hcgs
- vaginal trauma and cervical pathology
Studies for initial pregnancy eval
- serum hcg - to help diagnose pregnancy pathology, no need if pregnancy normal and urine hcg positive
- cbc - anemia/platelets
- rubella - look for IgG
- Hepatitis B surface antigen
- Blood type - detect if RH negative (if so, should receive RhoGAM
Studies for 1st trimester bleeding
- wet mount for GC/CT
- type and screen
- quant Hcg (should double every 48, be visible by U/S at 1500, is higher in molar preg, lower in ectopic or abortions)
- progesterone - levels >25 assoc with sustainable normal preg (<5 assoc with miscarriage or ectopic)
- U/S