Case 1 - 45 yo female annual exam Flashcards
Risk factors for breast cancer
family history in first degree relative, menarche before 12 or menopause after 45, genetic predisposition, advanced age, female sex, obesity, hormone therapy, advanced age at first pregnancy, exposure to DES
Decreased risk for breast cancer
pregnancy at early age, late menarche, early menopause, high parity, SERMs
Is breast self-examination indicated?
Does not reduce mortality but increases biopsies performed, so not reommended
How often should breast exam be done by PCP?
every 3 years in 20s and 30s, every year over 40
Risk for cervical cancer
Early onset of intercourse, high number of partners, cigarette smoking, DES exposure, immunosuppression
Cervical cancer vaccines
Gardasil or Cervarix, approved for ages 9-26, recommended for ages 11-18
Definition of menopause
Missed periods for 12 straight months, usually 40-60 with avg age being 51, smokers earlier than non-smokers
Lasts 2-8 years, menstrual irregularity plus sx like vaginal dryness, hot flashes, change in libido, mood swings
Risk factors for osteoporosis
Low estrogen states, lack of physical activity, fam hx, low calcium intake, cigarette smoking, caucasian race
Osteoporosis screening recommendations
All women 65 and older plus women 60-64 who have increased fracture risk
Immunizations for adult female
Td every ten years, Tdap if pt has not received full Tdap between 19 and 64 years
Mammography recommendations
Every 1-2 years beginning between 40-50 on an individual basis, No evidence for starting younger than 40 unless patient is high risk
Pap recommendations
Starting at 21, every two years, then every three years between 30-65. If greater than 65 and had normal paps, can stop screening.
Patients with HIV, DES, hx of cervical dysplasia or cancer or immunocompromised state should be screened more frequently
Evaluation of breast lump
Take history
If cystic, needle aspiration can be performed
If solid, mammography is next step
Ultrasound can be helpful in distinguishing between cystic and solid
Causes of nipple discharge
Pregnancy, prolactinoma, breast cancer, intraductal papilloma, Paget’s disease, breast abscess, breast trauma
Work up should include hx of breast discharge (color), imaging and hormonal testing
Osteoporosis prevention
USPTF is currently recommending against calcium and vitamin D supplementation due to increased risk for atherosclerotic plaque and kidney stones but no clear fracture benefit. Recommendations: increase calcium intake in diet and increase weight bearing exercise