CASA Flashcards
What is the goal of the CASA. Why did DOJ and the Albuquerque police Department join in the CASA agreement?
To deliver police services that comply with the constitution and laws of United States
Why was the DOJ investigating the Albuquerque police Department?
The Albuquerque police Department engages in a pattern or practice abuse of excessive force in violation of the fourth amendment.
DOJ determined that systemic deficiency is contributed to the pattern or practice of excessive force.
When was the DOJ investigative findings that are created?
April 10, 2014
What is active resistance?
Resistance that poses a THREAT OF HARM to the officer or others. Or attempt to leave the scene flee hide from detection or pull away from the Ofc’s grasp. Verbal statements alone do not constitute active resistance. Bracing or tensing alone ordinarily do not constitute active resistance. 
What makes an arrest lawful?
The arrest is lawful and supported by probable cause.
What is community oriented policing?
A Policing philosophy that promotes and relies on collaborative partnerships between law-enforcement agencies and individuals and organizations they serve. Increase in trust of the police and improve the Effectiveness of policing.
What is a demographic category?
Race ethnicity age sex gender identity sexual orientation and limited English proficiency LEP. 
What is less lethal force?
Not intended or expected to cause death or serious injury. 
What is lethal force? (deadly force)
Force likely to cause death or serious physical injury including the use of a firearm, neck hold or strike to the head neck or throat with a hard object
What agency is comprised of the multi agency task force?
At minimum New Mexico State police the Bernalillo County Sheriff’s office Albuquerque Police Department.
What kind of force is a neck hold?
Neck hold shall be considered lethal force.
What is non-disciplinary corrective action?
Action other than discipline taken to enable or encourage Officer to improve his or her performance.
What is passive resistance?
Noncompliance with Officer commands that is non-violent and does not pose an eminent threat to the Ofc or the Public. Example – pricing tensing linking arms or verbally signaling an intention to avoid or prevent being taken into custody constitute passive resistage
What constitutes reasonable force?
Force which is objectively reasonable under the circumstances and the minimum amount of force necessary to affect arrest or protect the Ofc or other individual.
What would constitute a serious use of force? (11 options)
Lethal force.
critical firearms discharges
Force resulting in serious physical injury or requiring HOSPITALIZATION
all head neck and throat strikes with an object
or neck holds
all force resulting in loss of consciousness or
canine bites
more than two applications of an ECW
ECW application for longer than 15 seconds
any strike, blow, kick, ECW application against a HANDCUFFED individual
more than 4 strikes With a baton.
What should an officer do prior to using force? (When feasible)
Officer shall use advisement warnings and verbal persuasion when possible before resorting to force
Force shall be De-escalated immediately as_____
Resistance decreases.
Officer shall allow individuals time to______?
Submit to arrest before force is used whenever possible
Neck holds are prohibited except when?
Lethal forces authorized
Officer shall prohibit using leg sweeps or force on individual or a handcuffed individual except when?
Objectively reasonable to prevent eminent bodily harm to the Ofc or another individual or to overcome active resistance or as objectively reasonable where physical removal is necessary to overcome passive resistance and handcuff the individual
Pointing a firearm is what level of force
Level 1
Once a scene is secure following a use of force what should OFC do?
Shall immediately inspect and observe individuals subjected to force for injuries or complaints of pain resulting from the use of force. Immediately provide emergency first aid.
The use of unreasonable force will subject officers to_____?
Discipline possible criminal prosecution and or civil liability
Regarding Discharging a firearm from vehicles what is prohibited?
The policy prohibits officers from discharging a firearm from a moving vehicle or at a moving vehicle including shooting to disable a moving vehicle unless an occupant of the vehicle is using lethal force other than the vehicle itself against the officer or another individual
ECW shall not be discharge solely as a ____? 
Compliance technique or to overcome passive resistance
What type of resistance is needed to use an ECW?
Active resistance
Unless doing so with placing an individual at risk officer shall do what prior to deployment ECW?
Shall issue verbal warnings prior to discharging an ECW. And allow a reasonable time for the individual to comply with the warning. 
When should an officer not use an ECW?
Deployment poses a substantial risk of serious physical injury or death from situational hazards except or lethal force would be permitted. Situational hazards include elevated positions drowning losing control of the moving motor vehicle or bicycle or the presence of an explosive or flammable material or substance.
ECW should not be used against what type of person
Visibly pregnant women elderly individuals young children or visibly frail individuals circumstances include age size physical condition and the feasibility of lesser force options.
Officers should not intentionally Target what area of an individual?
Head neck genitalia except where lethal force would be permitted should not be used on handcuffed individuals.
Use of force reporting will be divided into what three categories?
Reporting, investigating and reviewing purposes.
Following a use of force what should an officers narrative contain?
A. A detailed account of the incident
B. The reason for the initial police presence
C. Description of the acts that led to the use of force including subjects behavior
D. The level of resistance encountered
E. Description of each type of force used and justification for each use of force
What constitutes a level one use of force
Force that is likely to cause only TEMPORARY PAIN or discomfort during its application.
Show of force reportable as a level 1 force.
Level one force does not include interaction meant to guide assist or control an individual who is offering minimal resistance
What constitutes level 2 force? 
Force that causes injury could reasonably be expected to cause injury or result in a complaint of injury greater than temporary pain.
Discharge of an ECW including when fired and missed. the use of a beanbag shotgun or 40 mm launcher including when fired and missed. OC spray application
take down that result in injury
empty hand techniques strikes kicks or leg sweeps.
Strikes with impact weapons except strikes to the head neck or throat those of which would be considered a level 3
What constitutes a level 3 use of force? 
Force that results in or could reasonably result in serious physical injury hospitalization or death.
All lethal force critical Firearm discharges
I’ll head neck and throat strikes with an object ; Neck holds canine bites; three or more uses of any CW on an individual or is he W discharge for longer than 15 seconds;
Four or more strikes with the baton; any strike blow kick ECW discharge or similar use of force against a handcuffed individual or force resulting in loss of consciousness
Indication of aparent criminal conduct shall be referred to who for investigation?
Multi agency task force
IA will conduct the administrative investigation. 
A supervisor who was involved in a reportable use the force including by participating in or ordering the force being reviewed shall not ____?
Review the incident or use of force reports for approval.
Following a level one Use Of Force what should a supervisor do?
(5 tasks)
Examine personnel and the individual for injuries and request medical attention where appropriate;
Identify the officers involved
review all OBRD
Gather any evidence located at the scene; photographs of the officer and the individual involved;
Require the submission of a Use of force Report By the OFC by the end of shift
How long does a supervisor have to complete a level one use the force report?
One week.
Any extensions must be approved by a commander
A supervisors level 1 use of force review Should consist of what?
(6 Tasks)
All written or recorded use of force narratives.
Reviewing all OBRD
Documentation of all evidence that was gathered including names phone numbers and addresses of witnesses to the incident
Names of all other APD employees witnessing the use of force;
The reviewers evaluation and analysis of the use of force including the use of de-escalation techniques;
Documentation of any policy training equipment or tactical concerns
Who is responsible for the completeness and accuracy of level 2/3 reviews?
Unit supervisors or commanders
Whenever a reviewer supervisor or commander finds evidence indicating apparent criminal conduct by an officer who should they notify?
Internal affairs division and the chief
Once the use of force review is complete and found in policy the file should be forwarded to who?
Compliance and oversight division
If force is found to violate policy who issues discipline or corrective action?
Bureau of police reform
Internal affairs will respond and review What types of force investigations?
Level 2-3
Use of force indicating apparent criminal conduct
of APD personnel higher than Sgt.
Critical firearm discharges
Or cases reassigned by the Bureau of police reform.

How far back of an officer’s history in the internal affairs database?
Five years
Once IAFD Have completed their investigation who do they forward the report to?
Force review board FRB
FRB shall review what? 
All uses of lethal force, in custody deaths, samples of level three and two, and tactical activations within 60 days of receiving the report.
How many days does the force review board have to document its findings?
15 business days
APD specialized investigative units are prohibited from providing what response? 
Tactical Response to critical situation’s where specialize tactical unit is required
The mental health response advisory committee consists of who? (MHRAC)
Representation from APD Commander stuff CIT mental health professionals, department of family and community services, the University of New Mexico psychiatric department, community mental health professionals, advocacy groups for consumers of mental health services such as the national line from mental illness and the disability rights of New Mexico
How many hours of CIT training should officers have on By annually?
APD shall maintain how many CIT detectives?
12 full time
How many weeks should APD provide new recruits of OJT 
16 weeks
All misconduct complaint should be submitted to IA By? 
The end of the shift following the shift in which it was received?
The end of their next shift! 
All information should be referred to IA within how long
48 hours
What is the term unfounded?
Did not occur
Alleged misconduct did occur
Not sustained?
Unable to determine where the alleged misconduct occurred
The alleged conduct did occur but did not violate APD policies procedures or training
What are mitigating and aggravating factors?
Mitigating- in the officers favor. Ex: using force out of policy but did not have a choice.
Aggravating- against the officer. Ex: using force out of policy that was egregious.
APD Supervisors are allowed to supervise no more than how many officers?
The ______ Shall allow for peer group comparisons between officers with similar assignments and duties.
Early Identification System EIS 
Supervisors Shall on a monthly basis do what?
Review 0BRD
APD shell insure that all on body recording systems are properly stored by the end of each officers_____
Subsequent shift
Next shift
Promotional criteria should prioritize what? 
Effective constitutional and community oriented policing as a criteria for all promotions.
What is cop pop?
Community oriented policing
Problem oriented policing
What does Sara model stand for
Scanning, analysis, response, assessment
How many community meetings should an officer attend on a yearly basis
How often should community policing councils meet?
6 months
What makes up a CPC?
Community policing councils shall include representatives from APD, social services, diverse neighborhood; leaders in faith, business or academic communities, and youth
what does CPOA mean?
Civilian police oversight agency
Provides meaningful, independent review of all civilian complaints, serious uses of force, an officer involved shootings. The agency shall also review and recommend changes to policy and long-term trend and APD’s use of force
After a UOF when is an officers report due?
By the end of that shit