Cartographic Data Presentation Flashcards
What is a Choropleth map
A Choropleth map is a thematic map where areas are shaded to show a value eg population density
Advantages of a Choropleth map
Easy to construct as you don’t need to know exactly where the data is from, just the country/area.
Good at showing variations in social and economic data with a visually striking impact that is easy to interpret,
Shows distribution of data across an area.
Disadvantages of a Choropleth map
It oversimplifies data as it does not show variations within an area.
A poor colour choice can create a striking contrast that may not exist
What is a dot map
Show distribution and density of a variable eg population
Advantages of a dot map
Effective and simple way to show distribution.
Quantitative map - shows variations in observed numerical data.
Each dot represents a value which means that as long as each dot can be seen variations in a small area are shown unlike a Choropleth map.
Disadvantages of a dot map
Where the dot represents a scaled value, low density places are under-represented.
In high density places, obtaining exact and accurate data is difficult as dots merge and overlap.
Scale is crucial as if dots overlap or merge then the map cannot be read accurately.
What is an isoline map
An isoline map is a map where areas of the same value are connected.
Advantages of an isoline map
Shows a gradual change over a large area unlike a Choropleth map which shows a sharp distinction between boundaries.
It uses fixed intervals so changes can easily be identified.
Colour can be added to enhance patterns without losing accuracy and it make it easier to interpret.
Disadvantages of an isoline map
There can be variations in the location of each isoline. The shading implies equal values between the isolines. In interpolation (guessing the value between two lines) there is an assumption that change between the two points is steady when it may not be.
What is a proportional symbol
Symbols are drawn on the map proportional to the size of the observed data.
Advantages of proportional symbols
Symbols are geo-located.
Easy and quick to interpret, with a visual representation.
Disadvantages of proportional symbols
If the scale is too big then all the bars/symbols won’t fit, but too small and it will be had to read.
If the bars are too long they will overlap but too short and you won’t be able to see the difference.
What is a flow-line map
Thematic map used to show the movement of object eg trade.
Advantages of a flow-line map
Absolute values or percentages can be plotted.
The thickness of the line is proportional to the value.
If lots of lines are going to the same destination then their edges can be merged to reduce map clutter.
Disadvantages of flow-line maps
Lines can be basic and layered making it hard to accurately read the map.
As the flow-lines don’t have a scale immediately beside them it is hard to determine the scale, which makes it hard to interpret.