Cartilage & Bone Flashcards
What is the General function of Cartilage?
Cartilage provides pliable support; Firm but flexible
What are the (3) subtypes of cartilage?
How are they distinguished biochemically?
Hyaline Cartilage: Collagen Type II
Elastic Cartilage: Collagen Type II + Elastin
Fibrocartilage: Collagen Type I
What are the Specialized types of Hyaline Cartilage?
How can they be differentiated?
Articular cartilage: Hyaline cartilage that coats the ends of bones w/ synovial membrane
Costal Cartilage: Connects the ribs to the sternum to provide elasticity to the thoracic cavity
Articular cartilage lacks a Perichondrium layer, which is distinct from the Hyaline Cartilage
What is the function of the Perichondrium?
The Perichondrium is a sheath of dense irregular CT that surrounds cartilage.
Composed of 2 layers;
- Outer Fibrous Layer: Fibroblasts produce Collagen Type I
- Inner Chondrogenic Layer: Mesenchymal cells differentiate into Chondroblasts, intiate matrix production (Elastin & Type II Collagen) & become immature Chondrocytes
- Growth & Maintenance of Cartilage
- Vascular Support (Cartilage is Avascular)
What are Chondrocytes?
Chondrocytes are cells within the lacunae inside cartilage that maintain the cartilage.
They can occur singularly or within clusters referred to as Isogenous Groups
Describe the orientation of Hyaline cartilage
Describe the Components of this image
P: Pericondrium
C: Chondrocytes; Singular & isogenous groups
M: Matrix
Thyroid cartilage falls under what type?
Thyroid cartilage is considered Hyaline Cartilage*
Describe the cartilage present in most joints.
Articular Cartilage (Hyaline): Hyaline cartilage coats the ends of bones & allows them to glide over each other with little friction
Synovial Membrane: Specialized CT that lines the inner surface of joint capsules
Secretes synovial fluid (egg white-like consistency)
What are the characteristics of Articular Cartilage?
Articular Cartilage:
- Persists for life
- Lacks a Perichondrium; Repair is exclusively interstitial
What type of cartilage is shown?
Articular Cartilage
Evident by it’s smooth surface (top) and lack of perichondrium
Describe the condition of Osteoarthritis
What type of cartilage is Costal Cartilage?
Costal cartilage falls under Hyaline Cartilage
How does Elastic Cartilage compare to Hyaline Cartilage?
Elastic cartilage is extremely similar to Hyaline Cartilage.
Both have a perichondrium & chondrocytes in lacunae. The primary difference is the presence of Elastin fibers within the ECM
What type of cartilage is this?
This is Elastic Cartilage
Evident by presence of Elastin fibers in the ECM
Where is Elastic Cartilage located?
Elastic Cartilage is located in:
- Outer Ear, Eustachian Tube
- Epiglottis
What are the components of this image?
Elastic Cartilage surrounded by a Perichondrium
Additional: Adipose Tissue (White)