CARS 1 Flashcards
Six Cars Skills
1) The Main Idea
2) Tone- angry, sad, happy
3) Argument- why did author include that text
4) The Author-opinions, attitudes, beliefs
5) Contrasting Theories-briefly write the gist of each theory on paper
6) Inference and Logic-do not make broad inferences, rather logical ones
CARS Blueprint #1
The Passage Implies that– “implies” “suggests”- can be about the passage or external/hypothetical
CARS Blueprint #2
According to the Passage
CARS Blueprint #3
Weakens/Strengthens- does a piece of evidence weaken or strengthen the argument
CARS Blueprint #4
Conclusions- what can/cannot be logically derived
CARS Blueprint #5
Suppose that- introduces new into outside of passage content and asks reader to examine how it relates
CARS Blueprint #6
An example of- asks examinee to determine or identify example of a term discussed in the passage; “which of the following best represents”
CARS Blueprint #7
Rhetorical device- recognize, evaluate, critique rhetorical choices/methods employed by the author
CARS Blueprint #8
Least/Most Supported- given list of claims choose least/most supported by passage
CARS Blueprint #9
Assumptions- identify underlying assumptions
CARS Blueprint #10
Apply Passage Rule-correctly interpret a rule or counsel introduced in passage and apply to unfamiliar circumstances
CARS Blueprint #11
Passage Counsel- recognize advice or counsel given
CARS Blueprint #12
Considered Together- consider two different arguments, statements or claims and deals with both at the same time
CARS Blueprint #13
Public Policy- asks to predict law, policy rule or regulation the author would propose or support
CARS Blueprint #14
Analogous- identify claim or situation that is most analogous with something in the passage