Carotid Anatomy/Invasion Criteria HN37-41 Flashcards
Carotid Invasion Criteria (2)
1) Effacement >25% of circumference
2) Tumour encases >75% circumference
MRI criteria for inability to peel off tumour from carotid artery
270 degree involvement
Brain Complications after Common Carotid Occlusion:
a) abrupt ligation
b) gradual under 7 days
c) gradual over 7 days
ICA Occlusion rate of complication?LOOK UP DONT KNOW
a) abrupt ligation = 40%
b) gradual under 7 days = 30%
c) gradual over 7 days = 5%
4 Carotid Occlusion Tests
1) 4 vessel angiography (carotid + vertebrals)
2) Balloon Occlusion Tests
3) SPECT (nuclear med imaging) + Tc-99m HMPAO
4) SPECT + Xenon -133 inhaled gas
Preoperative Intervention prior to Simple Carotid Ligation
Place permanent balloons/coils proximal to ophthalmic artery.
- 2 weeks prior to surgery
- monitor for 72hrs after occlusion
7 Segments of the ICA
o C1 - Cervical o C2 - Petrous o C3 - Lacerum o C4 - Cavernous o C5 - Clinoid o C6 - Ophthalmic o C7 - Communicating