Carl Rogers Flashcards
The basic human tendency to actualize, maintain, and enhance the self
Actualizing tendency
A person’s lifelong process of realizing his or her potential to become a fully functioning person – its goal is to be that self which one is truly is - what is organismically valued by the total person who is inwardly free to move in any direction
This emphasizes understanding and caring rather than diagnosis, advice, and persuasion
Person-centered therapy
is the locus of all experiences
Encompasses the experience which includes everything potentially available to awareness that is going on within the organism.
Phenomenological Field
The process by which we judge experiences in terms of their value for fostering or hindering our actualization and growth
Organismic valuing process
Is the portion of the phenomenological field, which gradually becomes differentiated. It is composed of organized perceptions of the characteristics of the “I” or “Me” of their relationship to others and to various aspects of self, together with the values attached to these perceptions
Self or self-concept
One perceives that their parents, peers, or partner’s love and acceptance of them will only be met if they meet those people’s expectations and approval
Conditions of worth