Caries Flashcards
What is a critical regulator in the caries disease process?
Keyes contribution to caries theory (1960)
microorgs are the KEY to causing and passing along caries. Also demonstrated these microorgs are transmissible
Mutans Step role in caries progression. When is it acquired?
MS is the initiator; necessary but not sufficient to make disease.
- MS ‘windows of infectivity’ 1st-when primary teeth erupt, 2nd when permanent teeth erupt. Some say at birth: Wan (2003) showed 50% infants acquired by 6 mos
Lactobacilli: role in caries progression, good indicator of?
an opportunistic bacteria, the # of LB increases after DEJ is invaded.
- good indicator of CHO intake
Describe the microflora of children with s-ECC
S-ECC children show less microbial diversity/complexity compared to caries free kids
Describe the results of the Vipehold Study (1945)
Vipeholm Vive (5):
- Sugar at meals = slight INCS in caries
- Sugar between meals = MARKED incs in caries
- Sugar that is STICKY= GREATEST caries activity
- Caries activity DIFFERS among individuals on the SAME diet
- caries activity DECLINES with sugar withdrawal
Glucan: describe its role in caries
A water soluble, extracellular “glue” that enables MS adhesion; inhibits plaque diffusion
Fructan: describe its role in relation to MS
Fructan is used intracellularly as energy for MS
To what level are fructose, glucose, sucrose, and starch acidogenic?
Fructose = glucose = sucrose = soluble/refined starch in their ability to drop pH (~pH 5.5), raw starch can only drop the pH a small amount
Which aspects of food determine cariogenicity?
Retentive/clearance, salivary stimulation, fat content
What are the protective aspects of milk? cheese?
Milk: calcium, phosphate, casein, protease peptones prevent enamel demineralization.
Cheese: similar to milk, salivary stimulation, contains CPP-ACP
What are the protective aspects of cranberries/apples? Peanuts?
Cran/apples: flavonoids, inhibits bacterial adherence/antibacterial
Peanuts: gustatory salivary flow, mechanical stimulation
Host factor related to caries experience?
Saliva: buffering/BICARB, mineral content, pH, flow rate, antimicrobial components, immunologic components (lysozyme, lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, myeloperoxidase, agglutins, secretory IgA)
Modifying factors in caries experience?
Race ethnicy, SES, healthy care delivery, general health, culture stress, and genetic factors (amelogenin, tuftelin)
Describe the era of F- and its context in history.
Before “era of F-“ caries PANDEMIC believed inevitable until 1950’s, 50-70’s F- introduced , 1970’s to present decrease in caries (overall, increased in children slightly from 80’s to early 2000s)
The caries process is a ________ disease with ___________.
The caries process is a steady state disease with variable expression over time.
Caries sequence of primary teeth
Mandibular molars > max molars> max anteriors . Primary 1/2nd molars are more susceptible than 1st perm molars.
AAP recommends a visit by age 1 for all children. t/f
AAP recs by age 1 IF the child is special needs, mother has high caries, child has disease/plaque/stains, child is a later order offspring, or low family SES.