Blood and Lab Values Flashcards
Hemoglobin normal values and low/high indicative of?
Low: hemorrhage, anemia
High: polycythemia
Hematocrit normal values and low/high indicative of?
Low: hemorrhage anemia
high: polycythemia, dehydration
RBC normal values and low/high indicative of?
4-6 million/mm3
Low: hemorrhage, anemia
high: polycythemia, heart disease, pulmonary disease
WBC normal values for infant/4-7y/8-18 yo; and low/high indicative of?
infant: 8-15,000/mm3
4-7 yo: 6-15,000/mm3
8-18yo: 4500-15000/mm3
Low aplastic anemia, drug toxicity, specific infections
High: inflammation, trauma, toxicity, leukemia
Neutrophils (PMN): normal value and signficance
Increases in bacterial infection, hemorrhage, diabetic acidosis
Lymphocytes: normal value and signficance
Viral and bacterial infections, acute and chronic lympoctic leukemia, antigen reaction
Eosinophils: normal value and significance
1-3% increases in parasitic and allergic conditions, blood dyscrasias, pernicious anemia
% most to least for the WBC
PMN (50%)> Lymphocytes (25%)> Eosinophils 3%> Basophils 1% variable Monocytes 0-9%
Basophils normal value and significance
Increases in types of blood dyscrasias
Monocytes % and signifance
0-9% variable
Hodgkin’s disease, lipid storage disease, recovery from severe infections, monocytic leukemia
ANC (absolute neutrophil count) normal value? How is it calculated? Significance?
((%PMN + %Bands)x Total White Cell count)/100
Normal >1500
<1000 patient at increased risk for infection; defer elective dental care
Prothrombin time: normal values, function, and significance
1-18 sec
Measures EXTRINSIC pathway
Prolonged in liver disease, impaired vitamin k production, surgical trauma w/blood loss
Partial thromboplastin time: normal values, function, and significance
Normal- determined by lab control
Measures INTRINSIC clotting of blood, congenital clotting disorders
- Prolonged in hemophilia A, B, and C and Von Willebrand’s disease
Platelets : normal values, function, and significance
Measures clotting potential
Increased in polycythemia, leukemia, severe hemorrhage;
Decreased in thrombocytopenia purpura
Bleeding time: normal values, function, and significance
1-6 mins
Measures quality of platelet
Prolonged in thrombocytopenia
INR International normalized Ratio: normal values, function, and significance
Without anticoag 1; with anticoag 2-3
Measures EXTRINSIC clotting fxn
Increased in anticoagulant therapy
pH: normal values, function, and significance
Reflects acidosis/alkalosis
Acidic: diabetes, acidosis, prolonged fever
Alkaline: UTI, alkalosis
Na, K, Bicarb, and Cl: normal values, function, and significance
Na: 135-140 increases in cushing syndrome
K: 3.5-5 Increases in tissue breakdown
Bicarb 25-30: reflects acid/base balance
Cl: 100 increases in renal disease and HTN
Fluid replacement for children, formula
4cc/kg for 1st 10kg
2cc/kg for 2nd 10kg
1cc/kg for rest of weight per hour
ex 30kg child needs 70 cc per hour
Food intake before surgery?
2 hours: clear liquids water, fruit juice
4 hours: breast milk
6 hours: infant formula, nonhuman milk, light meal