CAREI COA Flashcards
4 numeric, source of $ and restrictions 1000 = unrestricted date appropriation 1024 = indirect cost recovery, 1026 = other unrestricted, 1028 = quasi unrest endow target 1150 = restricted , UMC fed work study 1701 = UofM Foundation 3001= sponsored Foundation 3002 = sponsored federal government 3005 = sponsored Minnesota 3006 = sponsored other private 3013 = sponsored MN (fed pass thru) 3014 = sponsored other (fed pass thru)
5 numeric, area responsible for activity, ~begins w/1. 11242 or 11250 or 11245 + 11249 (ICI)
5 numeric, ~begins w 2, type of activity is expense? 1 = Asset, 2=Liability, 3= Fund balance, 4 or 5 = Revenue, 6 = Transfer, 7 or 8 = expense, 0 = statistical
8 numeric, # from SPA
is 1. Only used with Project
6, numeric, nature of expense
7 numberic, identifies employee, required with certain program values
10 Alpha/numeric, Centrally defined tracking #
10 numeric, user defined - can be used to track by a dept/unit
Cost Share, value is only ever CS. identifies when this chartfield string is a Cost Share
Curriculum & Instruction
Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement
Educational Psychology
Family Social Science
Institute of Child Development
Dept Chair = Kathleen Thomas
Liam, FP3
Institute on Community Integration
11245 or 11249
BiKé Ojomo
Amy S Hewitt :: Director, Institute on Community Integration
Susan N O’Nell :: Director – DirectCourse UMN Curriculum
Macdonald M Metzger :: Director of Outreach
Jerry W Smith :: Director of Marketing and Communications
Rebecca Dosch Brown :: Interdisciplinary Education Director
Rachel L Freeman :: Director of State Initiatives
Julie Bershadsky :: Director, Community Living and Employment
Kristin Dean :: Director of Information Technology
Organizational Leadership and Policy Development
Becky Mattson
Kenneth R. Bartlett, Professor, Department Chair
Rachel Bloom-Brovold, Department Administrator
Alex Evenson, Communications and Marketing Manager
Upward Bound, Student Support Services, McNair Scholars
Helping Educational Leadership Mobilize Evidence (HELM) U Wash 3014 11242 00096060 Cook, Clayton 9/1/20 8/31/22 55 MTDC CON000000081920
Developing and Validating a Technically Sound and Feasible Self-Report VCU IES 3014 11242 00088398 Cook, Clayton 7/1/21 6/30/22 55 MTDC CON000000088475
Basis R01
A Hybrid Type 2 Trial of Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (Basis R01) UWASH (NIH) 3014 11242 00096326 Cook, Clayton 1/22/20 11/30/24 55% MTDC CON000000078899
Informant Discrepancies
Informant Discrepancies in Social-Behavioral Assessment Maryland (IES) 3014 11242 00096778 Cook, Clayton 7/1/21 6/30/22 54% MTDC CON000000069122
Basis T Efficacy
USDE IES 3002 11242 00088887 Cook, Clayton 9/1/21 8/31/22 55% MTDC CON000000088901
Examining the Utility and Feasibility of Mobile Technology in Prevention Interventions (Redleaf) ASU (Redleaf) 3006 11242 00096351 Cook, Clayton 10/4/21 9/30/23 0% CON000000095422
Development & Pilot Testing of the Sleep to Enhance Educational Performance in Schools (SLEEPS) Curriculum USDE - IES 3002 11242 00096236 Cook, Clyaton 7/1/18 6/30/22 54% MTDC CON000000069384
Inside Track
OHE SELF Program Evaluation (Inside Track) MN OHE 3005 11242 00095019 Duran, Chelsea 7/12/21 6/14/26 8 MTDC CON000000094290
Center for Sustainable Polymers (CSP) NSF 3002 11242 00080610 Fields, Jane 6/27/19 7/31/24 54% MTDC CON000000076724 Kemper?
North Star STEM
North Star STEM Alliance NSF 3002 11242 00091342 Fields, Jane 11/1/20 7/31/22 33% MTDC CON000000064472
Comprehensive Center
Wisconsin-Minnesota Comprehensive Center (WMCC) for Region 10 University of Wisconsin 3014 11242 00079371 Gibbons, Kim 10/1/19 9/30/22 33% MTDC CON000000080595 USDE Prime
American Institutes of Research (AIR) Us Department of Education 3014 11242 00082795 Gibbons, Kim 3/6/20 6/1/22 35% MTDC CON000000083446
MPLS Foundation
Minnesota Principal Survey (MPLS Foundation) Minneapolis Foundation 3001 11242 00094295 Gibbons, Kim 5/17/21 6/30/22 15% TDC CON000000093645 Any expenses?
MDE LTRS Implementation Support MDE (USDE) 3013 11242 00098555 Gibbons, Kim 3/7/22 2/24/23 35% MTDC CON000000097227
Get Ready
Get Ready MN OHE 3013 11242 00096510 Godber, Yvonne 6/1/21 2/28/22 8% TDC CON000000083978 Final invoice submitted 3/25/22
An Adaptive Preventive Intervention to Optimize the Transition (SMART) Michigan (NIH) 3014 11242 00093608 Mehus, Christopher 10/1/20 8/31/22 55% MTDC CON000000093046
A pilot test of a brief eHealth parent-focused prevention intervention (R34) NIHMH 3002 11242 00096155 Mehus, Christopher 8/16/21 7/31/22 55% MTDC CON000000095269
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research Center
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research Center CDC 3002 11242 00100980 Mehus, Christopher 9/30/19 9/29/22 55% MTDC CON000000074885 Child Account, Primary in PEDS.
Monitoring the Future: Drug Use and Lifestyles of American Youth (MTF) NIH 3014 11242 00096894 Parks, Michael 4/1/21 3/31/22 55% MTDC CON000000074280
UMich R01
High Intenstity Drinking (UMich R01) UMich (NIH) 3014 11242 00093519 Parks, Michael 10/1/20 8/31/22 55% MTDC CON000000092962
Academic Collaboration and Coordination To Ensure Student Success In STEM (ACCESS STEM) SCSU (NSF Prime) 3014 11242 00067338 Parr, Alyssa 1/1/18 12/31/22 33% MTDC CON000000069907
Partnerships for Establishing a Regional Technical Assistance (SLEDS) MN OHE 3013 11242 00083377 Parr, Alyssa 10/1/19 9/30/21 8% TDC CON000000083978 Final invoice submitted 3/25/22
Partnerships for Establishing a Regional Technical Assistance...(SLEDS NEW) MN OHE 3013 11242 00096650 Parr, Alyssa 11/15/21 6/30/23 8% TDC CON000000095653
SLEDS Analysis
Generation Next Hennepin/Ramsey Counties Teacher Pathways SLEDS Analysis Generation Next 3006 11242 00099536 Parr, Alyssa 2/28/22 6/30/22 10% TDC CON000000098050
Minnesota Center for Reading Research
Associate Director of Literacy, Wendy Stuttgen.
Name Fund DeptID Program CF1 CF2 FinEmplid
ICR Funds - MCRR 1024 11250 20090
MCRR Income 1026 11250 20106
Ext Sls - PRESS Publications 1026 11250 20109 1000014838
Ext Sls - PRESS Professional Development 1026 11250 20109 1000014839
Ext Sls - PRESS Community 1026 11250 20109 1000016032
Ext Sls - PRESS Spanish 1026 11250 20109 1000019091
Conferences - MCRR 1026 11250 20118
Prof Dev Funds - Peterson 1026 11250 20293 0978201
Payroll Default (chart string) 1026 11250 21853
Quasi-Endowment - MCRR 1028 11250 20106 END00E1591
CAREI PRojects
20080 Research NS - Proj Activities of a clearly defined non-sponsored research project (see function definition).
20089 Research Dept - Supp EmplID General research support for an individual researcher not associated with a formal research award. EmplID required.
20090 Research Dept - Gen Supp General research not associate with a formal research award
20104 Pub Svcs NS - Outreach Admin Administration of outreach or public service activities of the University
20109 Pub Svcs NS - External Sales External sales activities directly related to outreach work
20246 Acad Supp - Internal Sales Internal sales activity by a college or academic support unit for the purpose of academic support
20291 Acad Supp - Faculty Dev EmplID Employee-specific faculty development activities as academic support. EmplID required.
20293 Acad Supp - Faculty Discretion EmplID Faculty-specific discretionary activities not specifically related to research, teaching or outreach. EmplID required.
20562 Research NS - Grant-in-Aid Scholarship Prog EmplID Awards to faculty and their graduate students from The Graduate School, for the Grant-in-Aid of Research, Artistry and Scholarship Program (GIA). EmplID required.
20958 Research Dept - Supp Bridge Funding General research support activities (not not budgeted or accounted for by a formal award) of a faculty member when supported by bridge funding.
21529 Acad Supp - Admin Administrative activities as academic support or by a unit providing academic support.
21853 Inst Supp SysWide - CO Payroll Default Activity pertaining to system-wide payroll default transactions. For transactions recorded from the HRMS module only. Payroll transactions are posted to this account when the chartstring for payroll distribution does not exist in the general ledger. All transactions posted to this Program value MUST be moved by Direct Retro to the correct departmental chartstring.
CAREI Staff Holding Account
1026 11242 20104 1000015980
CAREI Administration
General account used while chartstrings are being set up - holding account ONLY
CAREI Income
1026 11242 20104
CAREI Administration
All money CAREI makes - this is revenue for services provided