Career Flashcards
Father of Guidance; “choosing a vocation”
Frank Parsons
Harvard University Hawthorne Effect
Elton Mayo
“Counseling and Psychotherapy” brought career counseling closer to therapy
“Psychology of Careers”; first long-range study of career patterns; Career development is self-expression
Donald Super
Growth, exploration, establishment, maintenance, decline
Super’s 5 life stages
Crystallization, Specification, Implementation, Stabilization, Consolidation
Super’s 5 Developmental Tasks
Conventional; Multiple Trial; Unstable; Stable
Super’s 4 patterns
Career rainbow: child, student, leisurelier, citizen, worker, spouse, homemaker, parent, pensioner
Super’s 9 Life Roles
Home, Community, School, Workplace
Super’s 4 theaters
Psychodynamic views of careers
Bordin, Natchman and Segal
Revolution in counseling; application of Skinnerian principles to career counseling
Career Maturity Inventory
4 categories: No choice; uncertain choice; unwise choice; discrepancy between interest and attitudes; associated with Parsons; Minnesota Viewpoint
E.G. Williamson
Psychoanalytic; career is unconscious needs satisfaction; warm upbringing=person centered careers; Humanistic Self-Theory; 8 fields with 6 levels
Ann Roe
“Psychological Counseling”; Psychoanalytic; neurotic system
Edward Bordin
Ego Defense Mechanism: Sublimation; socially acceptable outlet for unconscious impulse
AA Brill
6 modes: RASIC (Realistic, Artistic, Social, Investigative, Conventional); hexagon shape; SDS
Based theory on Henry Murray; in-depth personality assessment; TAT; Needs/Press Hypothesis
Roe, Bordin, Brill, Holland, Hobback
Personality Approaches
Ginzberg et. all, Tideman/Ohara, Gelatt, Berglind
Developmental Approach
Trait-Factor Approach
Career choice did not end at age 20; dropped irreversibility; “Toward a Theory of Occupational Choice”
Ginzberg, Ginsburg, Axelrad, Herma
Anticipation, Induction, and Holistic
David Tideman and Robert Ohara
3 types: Predictive, Value, Decision
Gelatt Decision Model