Care Of The Surgical Patient Flashcards
What is suspended in human plasma?
Human plasma (55%)
- RBCs (45%)
- Buffy coat (1%)
- WBCs
- Platelets
Four blood transfusion components?
Whole blood donation
- RBCs
- Severe anaemia from trauma or surgery
- 42 days in fridge
- 10 years in freezer
- Fresh frozen plasma
- Coagulation deficiency correction
- Plasma loss from burns or bleeding
- 1 year in freezer
- Concentrate of platelets
- Low platelet levels or functional problems
- 5 days at room temperature
- Cryoprecipitate
- Fibrinogen deficiency
- 1 year in freezer
Red cell transfusion
- Indication
- Dose
- Increase O2
Replace blood loss - One unit for a 10g/L Hb increase in a 70kg patient
Platelet Transfusion
- Indication
- Dose
- Prophylaxis in thrombocytopenia
- One therapeutic dose can increase count by 20x10^9/L
- Indication and dose
- Cryoprecipitate
- Indication and dose
- Fresh Frozen Plasma (10-15ml/kg)
- Clotting factors
- Coagulation factor deficiencies
- DIC and massive haemorrhage
- Cryoprecipitate (10 units/ 2 pools for adult)
- Clinically significant bleeding
- Fibrinogen below 1.5g/l
- Fibrinogen and factor VIII
Which blood types contain A and/or B antibodies?
A antibodies - B blood or O Blood
B antibodies - A blood or O blood
No antibodies - AB blood
Pathophysiology of ABO never events
- Anti-A binds to A antigens or Anti-B to B antigens
- Agglutination
- Complement activation
- Cytokines, Haemolysis
- Shock, renal failure, DIC
How many Rhesus Antigens?
- There are 5 Rh antigens (C,c,D,E,e)
- Rhesus D is most important.
- If antigen present, D positive.
Alloantibodies significance
- Antibodies (not ABO) produced when exposed to different blood through transfusion or pregnancy
- Problem in multiple transfusions
- Amount/frequency dependant
- Immune response dependant
- Immunogenicity (of antigens) dependant
Prevention of HDFN?
To prevent Haemolytic Disease of the Foetus and Newborn (HDFN)
- D negative or Kell negative girls and women should not be transfused with D or K positive red cells
Examples of Alloantibodies
- Duffy
- Kell
- Kidd
- Lewis
- Lutharen
- P
Two ways of requesting blood
- Group and screen (checked including for antibodies)
2. Cross-match (can be electronic)
What blood can be given in emergency, and what are the risks?
- O negative
2. May have unknown alloantibodies
Points in transfusion process
- Decision to transfuse
- Request/prescreption
- Sampling
- Lab testing
- Collection from storage
- Administration
Blood sampling for transfusion
- Good Practice (5 points)
- 1 historic blood group in the computer for the lab to issue components
- ID positively
- 3 points of ID
- Label at patient’s side (never pre-label)
- 15-30 minutes monitoring after transfusion
Acute Haemolytic Transfusion Reaction
- Symptoms
Acute haemolytic transfusion reaction
- Fever
- Dyspnoea
- Pain
- Chest, abdo, flank, bck - Hyptension
- Mucous membrane bleeding
Definition of consent?
Consent is:
A Precondition
1. Autonomous decision-making
2 Lawful medical treatment
Touching a patient without consent
- Commits:
Touching a patient without consent
- Commits:
- Tort
- Wrongful act or civil wrong
- Resulting in suffering/loss/harm
- Crime
- Subject to criminal law
Treatment without consent
- What action can result?
Treatment without consent
- Action for battery or negligence (Tort)
- Action for battery or crime of assault
- Three legal requirements
Three legal requirements of consent:
- Given voluntarily (not coerced, overt or covert)
- Capacity to consent
- Understand the nature of the treatment
- What changed?
- When
- What changed?
- Patients must be aware of material risks
- Must be aware of reasonable alternatives
- When
- 2015 (Lord Kerr and Lord Reed)
- Drug management
- Anti-caogs
- Beta-blockers
Pre-op drug management
C. Clopidogrel
- Stop 7 days before surgery
H. Hypoglycaemics
- Metformin and pioglitazone as normal
- SU, DPPIV, GLP-1: omit on day of surgery
- Start VRIII insulin if missed two meals
- Continue long acting insulin
- Stop short acting insulin on morning of surgery
- Stop 4 weeks before
- Start 2/52 later if mobile
W. Warfarin
- Stop
- Bridge LMWH 5 days till day before
- Bridge LMWH after for 1 day
- Anti-coags
- Balance risk of haemorrhage
- Avoid epidural, spinal, regional - Beta block as usual
- Give as usual
- IV or NG post-op
Bowel prep
- Indication
- Drugs
Bowel prep
- Left sided ops
- Not usually in rigt sided
- Controversial
- Dehydration & electrolytes
- Liquid contents and leak
- Picolax
- Picosulfate and Mg Citrate - Klean-Prep
- Macrogol
Prophylactic Abx
- Operative indications
Prophylactic Abx
- GI surgery
- Joint replacement
Prophylactic ABx
- Operative Regimens
Prophylactic ABx regimens
- 15-60 minutes before surgery
GI (eg. broad spec.)
- Biliary
- IV Cef + Met - CR or Appendicectomy
- Cef + Met TDS - Vascular (eg. Strep)
- IV Co-amox TDS - MRSA
- Vanc
ASA Grades
- Normally healthy
- Mild systemic disease
- Severe and limits activity
- Systemic, threatening life
- Moribund (24h)
Pre-op assessment
- Insulin
Pre-op insulin
- Long acting
- Stop night before - AM insulin
- stop if morning surgery
- Sliding scale
- Aim for 7-11mM
- Hourly CPG - 5% dex, 20mmol KCL
- 50units Actrapid
- Post-op
Post-op insulin
- Stop when tolerating food
- SC regimen around meals
- Pre-op Insulin
- If CBG>10mM treat as ID-DM
- Omit morning drugs - Resume oral drugs with meals post-op
Pre-op assessment
- Steroid dependent
Steroids and surgery
- Increase steroid for stress
- Major surgery
- IV Hydrocortisone 3/7 - Minor surgery
- Hydrocortisone for 24 hrs
Pre-op assessment
- Jaundice
Pre-op jaundice
- Risk renal failure
- Risk cholangitis
- Avoid morphine pre-med
- Clotting
- Check
- Consider vit K - Cef+Met
- Antithrombotic drugs
Pre-op antithrombotics
1. Continue aspirin/clopidogrel - Stop 7 days if high risk
- Stop warfarin and check INR
Pre-op Warfarin
- High VTE Risk
Pre-op warfarin VTE risk
- Stop warfarin 5d pre-op
- Bridging LMWH
- Stop LMWH 12-18 pre-op
- Restart LMWH 6h post op
- Restart warfarin D2
- Stop LMWH
- When INR >2
Emergency surgery
- Warfarin
Emergency surgery warfarin
- Stop warfarin
- Vit K
- Slow IV - FFP or PCC cover
Post-op pyrexia
- Classifications
Post-op pyrexia
- Early
- 0-5 days - Delayed
- 5+ days
Post-op pyrexia
- Early causes
Early post-op pyrexia
- Transfusion/drug reaction
- SIRS to trauma
- Atelectasis
- Infections
- Thrombophlebitis
- Cellulitis
Post-op pyrexia
- Delayed causes
Delayed post-op pyrexia
- Pneumonia
- Wound infection
- Leak
- Collection
Post-op pneumonia
- Mx
Post-op pneumonia mx
- Analgesia
- Physio + Cough
- ABx
Post-op collection
- Mx
Post-op collection mx
- ABx
- Drainage
- Washout
Post-op collection
- Locations
Post-op collections
- Pelvic
- Paracolic
- Small bowel
- Interloop spaces - Subphrenic
- Lesser sac
- Hepatorenal recess
- Morrison’s space
Post-op cellulitis
- Mx
Post-op cellulitis mx
- IV Benpen
- Strep - PO Pen V + Fluclox
- Staph
- Mx
DVT mx
- Three months
- Warfarin
- Five day LMWH bridge
- Stockings
Post-op assessment
- Urinary retention
Post-op retention
- Fluid status
- Palpable bladder
- Drips/drains/stomas/CVP
- 50mo NS and aspiration
- Fluid challenge
Post-op Hypotension
- CHOD causes
Post op HTN CHOD
C ardiogenic
- MI
- Overload
H ypovolaemia
- Inadequate fluids
- Haemorrhage
O bstructive
- PE
D istributive
- Sepsis
- Neurogenic
Delirium Causes
- Delirium
D rugs E yes, ears, sensory L ow O2 I nfection R etention I ctal U nder-hydration M etabolic
Fluid balance
- Average insensible
Fluid balance
- 700-800 insensibles
- Macro requirements (1,2,3,4)
TPN /kg/24h
1g Protein 2g Carbs 3g Fat 40 Kcal (20+) 0.4g Nitrogen (0.2+)
- Delivery
TPN Deliver
1. CV catheter
2 . Hickman
- Electrolyte derangements
Refeeding syndrome change
- Potassium low
- Magnesium low
- Phosphate low
Refeeding syndrome
- Mx
Refeeding syndrome mx
PO4 supplements
- Parenteral
- PO
C-Spine Nexus
- No neck pain
- No head injury
- No distracting injury
- No abnormal neurology
- Alert and oriented
- No drugs or alcohol