Cards Flashcards

Right Aortic Arch
2 most common types = right aortic arch with aberrant subclavian artery and right aortic arch with mirror image branching
*mirror image branching a/w congenital defects, aberrant subclavian is not.
caused by what pathology

Mitral Stenosis (most commonly in setting of rheumatic heart disease)

high pressures from the stenosis cause calcification of the left atrium
(mitral calcs in the setting of LA enlargement are suggestive of the same pathology)
Dx from mitral regurgitation by absence of LV dilatation
PT with exertional CP

Short axis images
show subendocardial fatty metaplasia, almost dx of prior MI , here in LAD distribution
What is the anomaly

Right aortic arch (pushing trachea to the L)
With large posterior diverticulum of Kommerell (post to trachea and esophagus)
Diverticulum gives rise to stenotic L subclavian artery