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social class and identity
SOME: Scott, feature of upper class subculture, exclusive upbringing and lifestyle WORKING CLASS: Willis, Hard manual work crucial to men's sense of identity MEN: Murray, new right underclass, illegitimacy, lone parenthood, drunkenness and yob culture SHOULD RECIEVE: Savage and Roberts, features that distinguish upper class JUSTICE: Jones, echoes views, with middle class seen as sneering and ridiculing, white working class are seen as chavs
Social class and identity, PERCY
P- lower class E- Negative stereotypes R- Murray, lower class C- Hoggart, lower class have clear morals Y- stereotypes act as a master status
P- upper class, smaller, easy to define E- high culture, private education R- Bourdieu habitus C- different groups within upper class, hard to define
SHAKESPEARE’S- Shakespeare, seen as social construction, problem created by society
BIG, Barnes negatively represented in media, Oddjob, pitied, seen as less than human
GHOSTLY, Goffman, Stigmatized identity, can prevent impression management
BOOK - Becker, master status, disability is a label which dominates all
Disability- PERCY
P- media creates negative stereotypes
E- undateables, Oddjob
R- Barnes, negative stereotypes created by media
C- Paralympics
P- Social construction
E- Availability of facilities
R- Shakespeare
C- Not social, if severely disabled struggle regardless
P- disabled people fail at fiving good impressions
E- some people make judgement
R- Goffman, stigmatized identity
C- much accepted in society and known about widely
Has - Hebdige, link between youth and bricolage
Age - Aries, medieval times, no teenage years, infancy straight to work
Become - Bradley, significant to identity in 2 main groups- teenagers elders
Lost - Lasset, 3rd age, richer, healthier, older people can have a fulfilling retirement
Bricolage - the use of ordinary objects to create something new
Percy’s Age
P - Age is a social construct
E - identity in terms of age is time, place country and culture
R - Aries, childhood in medieval times didn’t exist, straight from infancy to work
C - People physically get older
Y - different life expectancy around the world
P - Central to identity and relationship with others
E - teenagers portrayed as challenging then adapt these characteristics - Self fulfilling prophecy
R - Bradley, age 2 main groups important, young and retired (conform to an identity associated with an age)
C - Third age
One - Oakley, identified the four processes of Primary Socialisation
Man - Mead, gender role reversal
Caught - Connell, gender stereotype of men created a hegemonic masculinity
A - Althusser - ideological state apparatus
Woman - Willis, Role of peer group - studied that 2 ‘lads’ who chased girls for sex instantly dropped the girl after they got what they wanted
Mead - carried out research on different tribes, found that gender roles are based on the society : Tchambuli tribe
Oakley - different processes during socialisation , manipulation (dif behaviour) Canalisation (different toys) verbal appellations (dif language) dif activity exposure (chores etc)
Gender PERC
P- grow up differently depending on how they’re brought up
E- boys tend to grow up with toys more masculine
R- Oakley, 4 main stages of primary socialisation
C- Gender roles no longer matter, boys tend to be more feminine nowadays
P- gender roles depend on society
E- gender roles reversed in some societies
R- Mead, Tchambuli tribe
C- not sociological, depends on hormones
P- gender stereotypes of men create them to feel less
E- eating disorders of men on the rise
R- Connell, Hegemonic masculinity
C- men mental health cared about more on the rise.
Asian Groups- Anwar an Ghuman, South Asian families emphasize values of family
Should- Sewell, Black Machismo
Join- Jacobson, Islam is big part of identity among Pakistani’s
Forces- fanon, white mask
On Fridays- Fordham and Ogbu, Acting black and acting white.
Ethnicity PERCY’s
P- hide ethnicity to gain acceptance
E- Ethnic minorities code switch when talking to other ethnicities
R- Fanon, the white mask
C- Anwar an Ghuman, Southern Asian families emphasise the values
P- Black identities reinforced by the culture of hyper-masculinity, leads to educational underachievement
E- Lack of father figures, drawn to gang culture, sub culture of black masculinity provides peer support
R- Sewell, Black machismo
C- Blaming black culture of black underachievement
Post - Modernists
Boris- Bocock, shopping for lifestyles
Likes- Lyotard, ‘meta narratives’ no longer matter
Big- Baudrillard, ‘simulation’ where imaginary things things are presented as real
Ugly- Urry, tourist gaze
Boys- Baumann, life is a shopping mall
meta narratives- religion
Gay- Gilmore, believes men are losing identity of (protector, provider + impregnator)
Man Goes- Mac + Ghail, describe men as feeling lost, ‘crisis of masculinity’
Japan- Jackson, found ‘ladette’ behaviour in schools where girls adopted boisterous behaviour
Meets- Mulvey, male gaze, men see women as sex objects
Guy- Goffman, people use impression management to conceal their sexuality and avoid stigmatization
‘Hegemonic feminine identity’- where sexuality plays a central role. Women are defined by their attractiveness and sex appeal, seen objects
different sexualities that aren’t viewed as the ‘norm’ can be given a stigmatized identity, meaning they’re undesirable- I.e. gay people given hospitality
Sexuality- PERCY
P- homophobia E- Homosexuality disapproved by Russia R- Goffman C- LGBTQ+ rights improved around the world Y- dependent on where you're from
P- Crisis of Masculinity
E- Eating disorders of men on the rise
R- Mac an Ghail, searching for gender identity that fits the world
C- Men still dominate, glass ceiling(Pay Gap)
Y- men have pressure but still dominate
P- Women Sexualised in media E- Bond Films R- Mulvey, Male viewer = target audience C- Female gaze - men being sexualised Y- women sexualised a lot more
Drunk- Durkheim, ‘anomie’ sense of normlessness while unemployed
People- Parker Leisure affected by work
Really Like- Riach + Loretto, work affects confidence and self esteem
Gin- Gini, shopping for identity, gig economy doesn’t matter
Work Percys
P- Affects Leisure
E- routine jobs- relaxing leisure
R- Parker, extension, neutrality, opposition
C- Roberts, can choose leisure
P- Work is important
E- gives a routine - purpose to live
R- Durkheim, anomie
C- post modernist view, no one has ‘jobs for life’
P- affects status
E- lawyer, high status
R- Gini, shopping for identity
C- Bauman, life is a shopping mall