Cardiovascular System Development and Congenital Heart Disease Flashcards
What is the role of splanchnic mesoderm in heart development?
The heart itself develops from splanchnic mesoderm!
What is the role of neural crest cells in heart development?
Cranial neural crest cells migrate into the developing outflow tract where they participate in the septation of the tract and formation of the aortic arches.
Describe the major venous drainage leading to the developing heart tube.
Vitelline veins (portal system) drains the GI tract and carries poorly oxyenated blood
Umbilical veins carry well-oxygenated blood from the developing placenta to fetus
Cardinal veins (anterior, common, posterior) form the caval system which constitutes the main venous drainage system of the body that returns poorly oxygenated blood to the heart.
All drain into the sinus venosus of the developing heart tube.
What is the fate of the vitelline and umbilical arteries
Vitelline -
Umbilical - distal part forms the medial umbilical ligaments while the proximal part remains as the internal iliac arteries and superior vesical artery
What are the major embryological components of the eartly developing heart tube?
To what does each developmental component contribute to the fully formed heart?
How does differential growth of specific regions bring about the fully developed heart?
Describe the flow of blood thorugh the primordial heart
What is the developmental source of the smooth part of the right and left atrium?
Describe the partitioning of the atrioventricular canal, primordial atrium and primordial ventricle?
Endocardial cushions composed to ECM enlarges and produces swellings that divide the atrioventricular canal to the right and left channels
The primitive ventricle is divided into right and left by the muscular (from myoblasts) and membranous interventricular septum (from fusion of bulbar ridges and endocardial cushions)
the primitive atrium is partitioned by the primary and secondary septum.
Describe the development of the bulbar and truncal ridges and their formation of the aorticopulmonary septum.
Derived from neural crest mesenchyme
they form a spiral aorticopulmonary septum that divides the bulbous cordis and truncus arteriosus into the ascending aorta and the pulmonary trunk
note - the bulbu cordis becomes the conus arteriosis in the right vent and the aortic vestibule in the left vent.
What is the significance of the spiraling in the aorticopulmonary septum?
It places the pulmonary trunk anterior to the aorta at the site of origin form the heart
Describe the development of the hearts conducting system.
Describe the ocntributions of the fourth and sixth aortic arches to the development of the major newborn structures.
The fourth aortic arch contributes to the actual aortic arch (left) and the right subclavian arteru
The left sixth aortic arch forms the proximal part of the left pulmonary artery and the ductus arteriosis while the right 6th aortic arch contributes to the proximal part of the right pulmonary artery
Describe the fetal circulation .
The ductus venosus shunts blood form the left umbilical vein directly through the liver and into the inferior vena cava
blood form the IVC is directed through the foramen ovale into the left atrium
Most blood form the right ventricle goes through the ductus arteriosus into the aorta - only 5-10% goes to the lungs
At birth, the foramen ovale closes and the ductus arteriosus becomes hte ligamentum arteriosum
What role do prostaglandins play in fetal circulation and how do they change at birth?
Increased blood oxygenation inhibits prostagladning synthesis and the release of bradykinin
bradykinin leads to contraction of the smooth muscle of the ductus arteriosus, making it close
Describe the changes that occur to circulation after birth?
- foramen ovale closes
- dustus arteriosus becomes the ligamentum arteriosum
- umbilical vein becomes the hepatic ligamentum teres
- the ductus venosus becomes the ligamentum venosum
- umbilical arteries form the medial umbilical ligaments while the proximal part remains as the internal iliac arteries and superior vesical artery