Cardiovascular System and Exercise Flashcards
The CV system is involved in:
- Transport of O2 & CO2
- Supply nutrients
- Circulation of compounds such as hormones
- Waste removal
- Thermoregulation
What cells make up the intrinsic pacemaker
Sinoatrial Node has leaky ion channels that result in spontaneous depolarization
SA-AV( slowed transmission which allows the atria to completely empty)-bundle his- purkinje fibbers (stimulate ventricle muscle fibres to contract)
Heart rate
Stroke Volume
Cardiac Output
Blood Pressure
70-75 beats/min 60-70 ml/beat 4.5-5L/min 120/80 mmHg (systolic/diastolic)
Control of the CV system
- Autonomic Nervous System
- Baroreceptors
- Chemoreceptors
- Hormonal Control
- Mechano-Receptors
Autonomic Nervous system and Control of CV system
a) Sympathetic Control
release of norepinephrine from sympathetic nerve endings
b) Parasympathetic Control
release of acetylcholine from nerve endings
Respond to stretch when increase in Q and systolic blood pressure increase and inhibits sympathetic response
However, exercise over-rides baroreceptors
Hormonal Control
- Respond to [H+] & PCO2 - increase sympathetic drive
- Epinephrine and norepinephrine released from adrenal medulla - increase Q
- increase afferent activity - increase Q
Blood Pressure
what is it? and how is it measured
The force of blood during ejection from LV distends the vasculature creating pressure
creates a wave- pulse
if measured properly pulse rate=HR
BP= Q*Total Peripheral Resistance
Mean BP= diastolic pressure +(1/3 systolic-diastolic)
What happens to BP during exercise during rhythmic exercise
Systolic BP rises due to an increase in Q
The vascular pressure is reduced at diastole (no change or slight decrease in diastolic BP during sub max exercise) during exercise because of vasodilation and an increased number of open arterioles reduces TPR
During Strength Exercise
muscular force above 50% MVC occludes blood flow
See a greater increase in BP during upper body exercise than lower because smaller vascular and vasculature of arm increases resistance to blood flow
Blood Flow
Pressure is determined by Q
resistance is determined by TPR (radius, length and viscosity)
Flow= (pressure gradient(vessel radius^4))/(vessel lengthviscosity)
Blood shunting
Redistribution of Blood flow
-Vasodilation of arterioles via:
sympathetic cholinergic nerve fibres release acetylcholine
-decrease in local PO2 and increase in PCO2, H, K, nitric oxide released from arteriole membranes dilate vessels
At rest, 2-% of Q is distributed to muscle
During exercise, 84% of Q is distributed to muscle via blood shunting
How to asses the mechanical events of the Heart
Ultrasound -echocardiogram
SV is dependent on
Pre load
size of ventricle
After load
Frank-Starling Mechanism
Increase pre-load leads to an increase filling of ventricles , increase in stretch which produces more optima heart muscle length, increased forced and increased SV