Cardiovascular system 1&2 Flashcards
what makes up the cardiovascular system?
- pulmonary circulation
- systemic circulation
what is the function of lymphatic vascualture?
Collects and returns excess ECF
what are the valves of the right a left AV ?
Tricuspid and bicuspid respectively
what are the layers of the heart? what is the loation of the blood vessels of the heart?
endocardium, mycardium, pericardium/epicardium(blood vessels here)
describe the epicardium: other name, tissue type and contents
- aka visceral layer of pericardium
- convered in simple squamous epithelium (mesothelium)
- deep is fibrous elastic connective tissue
- contains blood vessels and nerves that supply the heart
- potential space ocntains pericardial fluid (serous fluid)
Describe the myocardium: contents, cell types, compare this area from atria and ventricles
- content
- bundles of cardiac muscle that are attached to the thick collagenous connective tissue skeleton of the heart
- cell types
- contractile cardiocytes
- contract to pump blood through the circulation
- myoendocrine cardiocytes
- producing atrial naturetic factor
- nodal cardiocytes
- specialized to control rythmic contraction of the heart. located in
- sinoatrial node
- atrioventricular node
- specialized to control rythmic contraction of the heart. located in
- contractile cardiocytes
- this layer is thicker in ventricles than atria. Left ventricle is thickest
which layer and cells make ANF/ANP
- myocardium layer
- myoendocrine cardiocytes
descrive endocardium: the inner most layer, contents, participation
- layer
- inner most= simple squamous endothelium
- sub endocardial layer = fibroelastic connective tissue
- participates in the formation of heart valves
describe the subendocardial layer: location and content
- location
- deep to the endocardial layer
- content
- collagenous and elastic fibers
- small blood vessels and purkinje fibers
Describe cardiocytes: location, nucleus and other cellular components
- location
- myocardium
- single centrally placed nucleus
- content
- diads
- T-tubules
- interact with just one sarcoplasmic reticulum (instead of 2 as in skeletal muscle)
- T-tubules
- intercalated disc
- step like arrangement: transverse and longitudinal component
3 important specializations
- allow the passage of ions to pass freely ther by resulting in a wave of contraction that spreads through out the heart wall
3 important specializations
- step like arrangement: transverse and longitudinal component
- diads
myoendocrine cardiocytes secrete ___ with reaction to ____. What does this substance do?
ANF, stretching
stimulates diuresis and naturesis. Prevents Na and water resopbtion = decreasing volume = decreasing blood pressure. ANF also relaxes the cardiovascular muscle by antagonizing the action of vasopressin and angiotensin 2
ANF is released as a prohormone and rapidly cleaved into active ANF
Describe the fibrous skeleton of the herat: tissue type, location, function, valves
- tissue type
- dense irregular collagenous connective tissue with thick collagen fibers
- location
- around bases
- aorta
- pulmonary artery
- atrioventricular orificeies
- near the aortic valve
- at the upper portion of atrioventricular septum
- around bases
- functions
- structural
- point of attachment for muscles
- discontinuity
- between the atrial and ventricular muscle
- ensuring contraction of atria and ventricles will not occur simultaneously
- valves
- attach to the fibrous skeleton
- havea core of fibrous connective tissue with endothelium covering both sides.
- structural

describe the route in the conduction system of the heart
- atrial contraction starts and must finish before ventricular contraction
- AV node and internodal impoulses are slower than SA node
where are the pacemaker cells in the heart?
SA node
Describe the purkinje fibers: location, function, morphology, energy stores
- location
distal portions of the AV nodes and continuing into the left and right bundle branches
- found in the SUBENDOCARDIAL CONNECTIVE TTISSUE on either side of interventricular septum
distal portions of the AV nodes and continuing into the left and right bundle branches
- function
- rapid impulse conduction
- morphology
- cells are wider and shorter than ventricular cardiac myocytes . They have a pale cytoplasm with few myofilaments
- connected by gap junctions but do not have intercalated discs
- energy store
- glycogen

Define the structures that register pain/discomfort in the heart
Afferent free nerve ending, responding to oxygen deprivation.
what are the key components and features of the following
- epicardium
- myocardium
- endocardium
- conducting system
- valves
- rythem of the contraction
- epicardium
- adventitial fat with bessels and mesothelilal surface
- myocardium
- functional syncytiuum of cardiac myocytes
- endocardium lining chamber and valves
- flattened endothelial cells
- conducting system
- specialised purkinje fibers and bundle of His
- valves
- core of fibroelastic tissue with surface endothelium
- rythem
- spontaneous rythmic ocntraction due to cardiac action potential
what is present in the regions close to SA and AV nodes? what is their function?
both the parasympathetic and sympathetic neural components innervate the heart.
GANGLIONIC NERVE CELLS** and **NERVE FIBERS are present in the regions close to SA and AV nodes, where they affect heart rate and rythm
stimulatin of parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system affect the heart how?
- parasympathetic
- vagus nerve- attaches to the ganglionic nervessl present near the SA and AV
- slows dow nthe heart rate and decreases contractions
- sympathetic
- accelerates activity of pacemaker
- increasing heart rate and force of contractions

what are the three layers of blood vessels
- tunica intima
- tunica media
- tunica externa/adventitia
Describe the tunica intima: tissue type, conten’s, layering
- tissue types
subendothelial connective tissue
- thin loose connective tissue layer
subendothelial connective tissue
- contents
- endothelium
- simple squamous epithlium
- arranged parallel to the lumen
- occasional gap junctions
- rest on basal lamina
- endothelium
describe the tunica media: contents, arrangment
- contents
- smooth muuscle
- elastic fiber in matrix
- circumferentially arranged
- smooth muuscle
describe the tunica adventita: contents
outer surface, collagen fibers, elastic fibers, fibroblasts, vaso vasorum
What are the four functions of the endothelium?
- semipermeable membrane between blood and interstital fluid
- thrombogenic surface, not prone to clotting
- secretes number of factors
- ACE= smooth muscle contraction
- NO=relaxation
- growth factors that promote proliferation of specific white blood cell lineages and cells that make up the bascular wall
what are the classification of arteries
- large elastic
- conducting
- muscular
- distributing
- arterioles
Desceibe large elastic arteries: examples function
- examples
- Aorta, common carotid, suubclavian, common iliac and pulmonary trunk
- function
- conducting
- elastic fibers help withstand systolic pressure. elastic recoil of the elastic lamellae help maintain arterial pressure.
Describe the layers of large elastic arteries. content, arrangement and notable features.
- Tunica intima
- thicker endothelium and sub endothelial layer of loose connective tissue
- cells are arranged longitudinally
- composed of elastin and is fenestrated to permit diffusion of nutrient
- prominent in large Arteries
- boundary between tunica intima and tunica media
- tunica media
- up to 70 concentrically arranged fenestrated elastic lamallae
- smooth muscle is circularly arranged
- tunica adventitia
- loose/irregular arrangment of elasti and collagen fibers
- vaso vasorum
describe the layers of the muscular arteries
- tunica intima
- endothelium and subendothelial layer
- internal elastic lamina is distinct
- causing undulation of tunica intima
- tunica media
- hallmark of muscular artery
- more smooth muscle and less elastic fibers, muscle is arranged concentrically
- external elastic lamina
- control the blood flow into the organ
- tunica adventitia
- 1/2 thichness of tunica media
- primarily collagen fibers, longitudinal orientation
describe the layers of an arteriole
- endothelium with thin CT
- One to a few smooth muscle layers thick
- adventitia is poorly defined
which arttery type controls blood flow into an organ?
Which artery type contols blood flow into localized regions of organ?
- tunica media of muscular artery
- arterioles
what supports capillaries?
- pericytes
- numerous cytoplasmic externsions wrapping around the capillaries
- suupport new capillary formation
what aare the three major functions of capillaries?
- selecttive permeability
- synthetic/metabolic activity
- antithrombogenic
what are the three types of capillaries? name three location of each types. compare them and notable features
- continuous
- most abundant
- have no fenestrations in their endothelial cells
found in
- muscle tissue
- connective tissue
- nervous tissue
- fenstrated
- pores, smaller than cells
tissue that need rapid exchange
- intestines
- endocrine glands
- kidneys
- sinusoidal/discontinuous
- pores are argest of the three
found in
- spleen
- lymph
- bone marrow
- endocrine
- location of KUPFER CELLS. living in pores to gain access to the debris.
where is 70% of the blood stored at any given time?
The veins, acts as a capacitance or reservoir
describe venule compared to an arteriole
larger and thinner. contain one way valves to prevent pooling of blood
Describe layers of medium veins. list notable structures and their attachement location
- tunica media
- simple squamous thin sub endothelial connective tissue
- valves have thin leaflets, formed from tunica intima
- tunica media
- loose circular smooth muscles and collagen fibers
- tunica adventitia
- thickest tunic in veins
- collagen fibers and smooth muscle in longitudinal arrangement
- vasovasorum location
describe the flow of lymph fluid, layers in lymph vessels, and movement of fluid.
- lymphatic capillaries->lymphatic vessels -> right lymphatic duct and thoracic duct
- layers
- tunica intima
- tunica media
- tunica adventitia
- movment
- slowly moves through the system porpelled by movements of muscle and organs
- unidirectional
what type of artey is the aorta? what is and where is the location of the blood vessels for its own structure?
large artery/conducting artery
vaso-vasorum. located in the adventitia/tunica externa
what is really well defined in muscular arteies/distributing arteries?
internal and external lamina
how many layers of smooth muscle are located in arterioles?
2-3 layers of smooth muscle cells
what are the types of capillaries and what suupports them?
continuous, fenestrated and discontinuous/sinusoidal. Pericytes support the capillaries.
tissue fluid in the lymphatic vessels forms from how? Where do the lymph vessels drain into?
starling forces. drain into the venous system from thoracic duct. subclavian vein
What is the visceral layer of the heart?
what are the components of the pericardium?
partital layer and visceral layer(epicardium)

which vessels are considered “resistance vessels?”

diagram the cardiovascular system