Cardio vascular coupling Flashcards
Preload defines_____
the maximal force ventricle can produce. The volume in the ventricles at the end of diastole. this is a passive filling of the ventricles and atria. governed by starling law=gets the sarcomeres to the best position for contraction
Describe the heart cycle
- Late diastole
- bothe atria and ventricles fill passibely
- atrial systole
- atrium contracts pusching 20-30% of blood into ventricles
- isovolumic ventricular contraction
- ventricles contract pushing closed the AV valves. Not enough pressure to open the semilunar valves
- ventricular ejection
- pressure equal and then is above atreies, semilunar valves open and blood is ejected
- isovolumic ventricular relaxation
- ventricles relax, pressure falls velow that of arteries and semilunar valves close
Explain the pressure-colume loop

- ventricles fill, passivly, generating higher ventricular pressure
- junction between 1 and 2 = pressure difference to close the AV valves
this volume is PRELOAD
- max force ventricle can produce
- theoretical 250mm
this volume is PRELOAD
- junction between 1 and 2 = pressure difference to close the AV valves
- ventricle contracts isometrically until the ventricular pressure matches the aortic pressure
- junctions between 2 and 3
- aortic valve opens this pressure is called AFTERLOAD
- junctions between 2 and 3
- blood ejected, pressure continues to rise as it contracts
- once the volume of the blood is ejected, the pressure drops
- ventricular pressure now drops below aortic pressure and closes aortic valve 3 AND 4
- ventricular relaxation
define stroke volume, ejection fraction and cardiac output.
perform the calculations for a following chart

- stroke volume
- volume ejected by each heart beat
- when mitral valve closes (end diastolic volume)** and when the aortic valve closes **( end diastolic volume)
- resting for 70kg male= 70ml
- ejection fraction
- proportion of stroke volume at the end of diastole
- stroke volume /diastolic volume
- cardiac output
- volume of blood ejected over time
amount of blood ejected / time
- stroke volume(ml) x heart rate(bpm)

in accordance with frank starlings law, what is the outcome of more venous inflow?
what are the two intrinsic controls of cardiac output?
higher cardiac output in accordance with Frank-Starling law.
- stretching right atrium increases HR
- Bainbridge reflex
- stretching SA node directly increases HR
- due to an increase in tropinin-Ca affinity
- diagram and explain the following changes in the P-V loop. Describe what changes with the stroke volume, ejection volume, pressure, diastolic volume and end systolic
- increased preload
- increase afterload
- increased contractility
- increased preload
- leads to greater stroke volume
- atrial pressure is higher and mitral valves closes later and ventricular volume is higher
- example
- moved leg or stood up and the volume of blood in the veins increases and/or the veins constrict
- increasing afterload
- leads to reduced stroke volume
- occurs with hypertension
- heart cannot generate the additional pressure to eject the excess volume of blood remaining
- increase in after load and decrease in stoke volume
- leads to reduced stroke volume
- increased contractility
- leads to greater stroke volume.
- ventricles can generate a higher force and thus eject more blood
- increased stroke volume, decrease in end systolic, increase in pressure
- leads to greater stroke volume.

Where des the FS extend in the cardiomyocytes.
FS for individuals cardiomyocytes can be extended to whole heart
Draw the wriggers diagram and stated important parts

What is Qh, Qr, Pa, Pv, Ca, Cv, Ct, Rf? And what are the major contorllers? determine the calculation of Rf with the folowing values

Qh= Cardiac output (flow out of the heart)
Qr = flow in vasculature
Pa=pressure in arteries
Pv = pressure in veins
Ca=arterial compliance
Cv= venous compliance, C=change in volume/change in pressure
Ct=total vascular compliance,
Rf=resistance in arterioles
major controllers
- cardiac factors
- heart rate
- myocardial contractility
- coupling factors
- preload
- afterload
Qh=Qr, in steady state
What is Qh is dependent on 4 things. explain
- Heart Rate
- contractily
- preload
- afterload
What is your venous pressure proportional to?
What is Pmc proportional to?
blood volume
Slop of Pv-Qh with Rf
compare the following
- vasodilation
- normal resistance
- vasoconstriction
Pmc does not change with R(resistance)
- however, there is a shift in blood to the arteries relative to veins with increasing resistance

What defines the steady state condition of the heart function?
FS and Pv-Qh
Cardiac function curves are manipulated by (4)
- compliance
- Heart Rate
- resistance
- blood volume
what is the reason for the Pa to fall to a much greater extent than Pv?
C=change in volume/Change in pressure
What happens during the 1st part of the PV loop?
mitral valve opens(due to pressure difference of atria and ventricles), and the ventricles passivly fill passivly, mitral vlave closes from 1-2
which of the flollowing would lead to increase and decrease cardiac output?

- increase
- increase preload
- increase contractility
- decrease
- increased afterload
what happens during EKG
Pwave = atrial depolarization
PR=atrial contraction
QRS = ventricle polarization
QT=systole, ventricular contraction
describe the change in curve for venous pressureXCO when blood volume increases and decreases

diagram the chang in peripheral resistance
Pmc does not change with R.
shiftt in blood to the arteries relative to veins with increasing resistance.

incresaig the stroke volume (contractility or preload) diagram the chanig in compliance based on cardiac output

describe the change in blood volume and R
- change in VOLUME only!- no change in cardiac output, onlt
- change in resistance
- cardiac output shifts down with dilation(decreased resistance)
- caridac outtput shift

diagram the heart rate and stroke volume. what does Heart rate affect
preload, afterload and contractility.
increase= sympathetic chronotropic : decreasing diastolic time