Cardiovascular Physiology - Exam 1 Flashcards
Atrial and ventricular syncytium can be attributed to each side having _ _
gap junctions
Which side of the heart has lower pressures?
-hence PE, clots, etc
What anatomical structure allows the atria to fully contract before the ventricles?
fibrous insulator
What helps keep the blood flow in the heart unidirectional?
Cardiac muscle is comprised of _ and _ filaments
myosin and actin
-much lower resistance to conduction than cell membranes
RMP of cardiac muscle is _-_mV, and the action potential is _ mV
-85 to -95mV
-plateau lasts longer than skeletal musc ~0.2-0.3sec
Action potential of cardiac muscle results in _
Ventricular Muscle Action Potential
0-Fast Na+ channels open, slow Ca++ channels open too
1-K+ channels open
2-Ca ++ channels open more
3- K+ channels open more
4-resting membrane potential
-K+ channels opening is pretty transient bc Ca++ channels open wider and offsets K+ leaving cell
-the latter K+ is vent repolarization occurring
-biggest diff from skeletal musc is in phase 2 with Ca++ channels opening wider
T/F Vent conduction AP is the same process as pacemaker cells
The _ refractory period does not allow the ventricle’s cardiac muscle to be re-excited again
-an AP is currently occurring
The _ refractory period can allow the ventricle’s cardiac muscle to be re-excited again
The absolute refractory period of ventricular AP is - sec and _ sec in atria
On an EKG, the P wave represents conduction prior to _ _
atria contracting
On an EKG, the QRS complex represents conduction prior to _ _
ventricular depolarization
-this is SYSTOLE!
-this also is masking the atria repolarizing
On an EKG, the T wave represents electrical conduction of _ _
ventricular repolarization
-vent diastole
-vents stay contracted a few milliseconds after T wave
S1 heart sound is heard when the _ valves close
-@ START of vent systole
During atrial systole, which valves are open?
Tricuspid and Mitral
During ventricular systole, which valves are open?
Pulmonic and Aortic
In the vent pressure/volume curve, isovolumetric relaxation occurs:
AFTER T wave
S1 heart sound is heard when the _ valves close
AV (tricuspid and mitral)
-@ START of vent systole
In the vent pressure/volume curve, isovolumetric contraction occurs:
DURING QRS complex
S2 heart sound is heard when the _ and _ valves close
aortic and pulmonic
-@ END of vent systole
On a vent pressure/volume curve, an “a” wave represents:
atrial cx
On a vent pressure/volume curve, a “c” wave represents:
vent cx (AV valves bulge)
On a vent pressure/volume curve, a “v” wave represents:
blood flowing back into atria
What does a dicrotic notch(incisura) represent?
sudden stop of back flow toward L vent
Aortic pressure must overcome _ pressure to allow blood forward
systemic (SVR)
_ _ accounts for 25% of filling in the ventricle during diastole
atrial systole
-“atrial kick”
Normal Values
End diastolic volume (EDV)
-max volume at end-diastole
-directly proportional to SV and CVP
-higher CVP increases EDV which increases SV ; (good; more volume on the receiving end, so SV is more forceful and more blood is readily replenishing chambers)
Normal Values
End systolic volume (ESV)
-directly proportional to afterload (SVR) and INversely proportional to SV
-increased SVR increases ESV which decreases SV ; (heart is pushing against too strong of a force and it’s leaving volume behind and making the stroke weaker)
Normal values
Ejection volume (SV)
Normal values
Ejection fraction
normally ~60%
_ is the total volume of blood going thru the heart in 1 min
If HR increases, SV will _
-helps maintain CO, compensatory
Normal values
Chordae tendinae are attached to which valves?
Resting cardiac muscle stretch is _ than skeletal muscle
T/F Afterload should be > LV pressure
_, or venous return, is important to the Frank-Starling curve because it causes the optimal stretch for maximum contraction.