Cardiovascular physiology Flashcards
what are the actions of the heart?
-chronotropic action
-inotropic action
-dromotropic action
-bathmotropic action
what is the chronotropic action
The frequency of the heart beat/ heart rate.
TACHYCARDIA: increase in heart rate
BRADYCARDIA: decrease in heart rate
what is inotropic action
the force of contraction of the heart.
POSITIVE INOTROPIC ACTION: increase in force of contraction
NEGATIVE INOTROPIC ACTION: decrease in force of contraction
what is dromotropic action
The conduction of impulses through the heart.
POSITIVE DROMOTROPIC ACTION: increase in velocity of contraction
NEGATIVE DROMOTROPIC ACTION: decrease in the velocity of contraction
what is bathmotropic action
The excitability of cardiac muscle
POSITIVE BATHMOTROPIC ACTION: increase in cardiac muscle excitability
NEGATIVE BATHMOTROPIC ACTION: decrease in cardiac muscle excitability
what is the cardiac cycle
The cardiac cycle a succession of coordinated events taking place in the heart during each heart beat. These events are classified into 2:
During systole, heart contracts and pumps the blood through arteries.
During diastole, heart relaxes and blood is filled in the heart. All these changes are repeated during every heartbeat, in a cyclic manner.
The heart beats 72 times a minute and the cardiac cycle duration is 0.8 SECONDS
what are the atrial event durations in the cardiac cycle
- Atrial systole = 0.1 sec
- Atrial diastole = 0.7 sec.
what are the ventricular event durations in the cardiac cycle
- Ventricular systole = 0.3 sec
- Ventricular diastole = 0.5 sec
draw that diagram to show the cardiac cycle
check the booklet
what are the events of the cardiac cycle
=> Artrial events
-Atrial systole
-Atrial diastole
=>Ventricular events
-Isovolumetric contraction phase
-Rapid ejection phase
-Slow ejection phase
-isovolumetric relaxation phase
-rapid passive filling phase
-reduced filling phase (diastasis)
-Last rapid filling phase
describe the atrial systole
-Atrial systole or the atrial contraction phase lasts for 0.1 s
-It coincides with the last rapid filling phase of ventricular diastole
- Before the beginning of atrial systole, the ventricles are relaxing, AV
valves are open and blood is flowing from the great veins into the atria
and from the atria into the ventricles. Thus the atria and ventricles are
forming a continuous cavity. - When the atrial contraction begins, about 75% of the blood has already
flown into the ventricles. Thus, atrial contraction usually causes an
additional 25% filling of the ventricles.
-Therefore, even if the atria fail to function, there is little disturbance to the cardiac cycle.
describe the atrial diastole
-After the atrial systole, there occurs atrial diastole (0.7 s).
-This period coincides with the ventricular systole (for 0.3s) and most of the ventricular diastole (for 0.4s)
- During atrial diastole, atrial muscles relax and there occurs gradual
filling of the atria due to continuous venous return and the pressure
gradually increases in the atria and drops down to almost zero with
the opening of AV valves.
-Then the pressure again rises and follows the ventricular pressure during the rest of atrial diastole.
describe the atrial diastole
-After the atrial systole, there occurs atrial diastole (0.7 s).
-This period coincides with the ventricular systole (for 0.3s) and most of the ventricular diastole (for 0.4s)
- During atrial diastole, atrial muscles relax and there occurs gradual
filling of the atria due to continuous venous return and the pressure
gradually increases in the atria and drops down to almost zero with
the opening of AV valves.
-Then the pressure again rises and follows the ventricular pressure during the rest of atrial diastole.
what are the phases of the v
what are the phases of the ventricular systole
=>Isovolumetric contraction phase (0.05s)
=>Ejection phase (0.25s)
-Rapid ejection phase (0.1s)
-slow ejection phase (0.15s)
comment on the isovolumetric contraction phase
- lasts for 0.05s
- With the beginning of ventricular contraction, the ventricular pressure
exceeds atrial pressure very rapidly causing closure of AV valves (this
event is responsible for production of first heart sound). - Since the AV valves have closed and semilunar valves have not opened, the ventricles contract as a closed chamber and the pressure inside the ventricles rises rapidly to a high level.
- As the ventricles contract, the volume of blood in the ventricles does
not change; hence this phase is called isovolumic contraction phase. - During this phase, due to sharp rise in ventricular pressure, there
occurs bulging of AV valves into the atria producing a small but sharp
rise in intra-atrial pressure called c-wave. - This phase lasts for 0.05 s, until the pressure in the left and right
ventricles exceeds the pressure in the aorta (80 mmHg) and pulmonary
artery (10 mmHg) and the aortic and pulmonary valves open.
comment on the isovolumetric contraction phase
- lasts for 0.05s
- With the beginning of ventricular contraction, the ventricular pressure
exceeds atrial pressure very rapidly causing closure of AV valves (this
event is responsible for production of first heart sound). - Since the AV valves have closed and semilunar valves have not opened, the ventricles contract as a closed chamber and the pressure inside the ventricles rises rapidly to a high level.
- As the ventricles contract, the volume of blood in the ventricles does
not change; hence this phase is called isovolumic contraction phase. - During this phase, due to sharp rise in ventricular pressure, there
occurs bulging of AV valves into the atria producing a small but sharp
rise in intra-atrial pressure called c-wave. - This phase lasts for 0.05 s, until the pressure in the left and right
ventricles exceeds the pressure in the aorta (80 mmHg) and pulmonary
artery (10 mmHg) and the aortic and pulmonary valves open.
comment on the rapid ejection phase
-Lasts for 0.1s
-As soon as the semilunar valves open, the blood is rapidly ejected out for
about 0.13s.
-About 2/3rds of the stroke volume is ejected in this rapid ejection phase.
-Pressure rises to 120 mmHg in the left ventricle and to 25mmHg in the right ventricle.
-The right ventricular ejection begins before that of left and continued even after left ventricular ejection is complete.
-As both the ventricles almost eject the same volume of blood, the velocity
of right ventricular ejection is less than that of the left ventricle.
comment on the slow ejection phase
-It lasts for 0.15s
-It refers to when rate of ejection declines.
-About 1/3rd of the stroke volume is ejected during this phase.
-The intraventricular pressure starts declining and falls to a value slightly lower than in aorta, but for a short period momentum keeps the blood flowing forward
comment on the slow ejection phase
-It lasts for 0.15s
-It refers to when rate of ejection declines.
-About 1/3rd of the stroke volume is ejected during this phase.
-The intraventricular pressure starts declining and falls to a value slightly lower than in aorta, but for a short period momentum keeps the blood flowing forward
comment on the slow ejection phase
-It lasts for 0.15s
-It refers to when rate of ejection declines.
-About 1/3rd of the stroke volume is ejected during this phase.
-The intraventricular pressure starts declining and falls to a value slightly lower than in aorta, but for a short period momentum keeps the blood flowing forward
comment on the slow ejection phase
-It lasts for 0.15s
-It refers to when rate of ejection declines.
-About 1/3rd of the stroke volume is ejected during this phase.
-The intraventricular pressure starts declining and falls to a value slightly lower than in aorta, but for a short period momentum keeps the blood flowing forward