Cardiovascular Imaging Flashcards
What is the most common radiological exam?
chest x-ray
How does an X-ray work? (3)
The image is produced
when radiation passes
through the body to
expose sensitive film
on the other side.
The ability of radiation
to penetrate structures
depends on their
energy and density of
the tissues and bones .
The different absorption of the rays by different tissues creates the
image. The image is generally displayed as a negative
what is measured in a Heart x-ray? (5)
- Size of heart
- Cardiac Thoracic Ratio
CTR 1:2 - Size and outline of aorta
- Evidence of stents, clips,
wires and valves
Cardiac Hypertrophy
Sternotomy Wires, Aortic and Mitral Valve Prostheses
Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm
How does a computed tomography (CT) scan work? (3)
The scans are produced by having the source of the x-ray beam encircle
or rotate around the patient.
The X-rays passing through the body are detected by an array of sensors.
Information from the sensors is computer processed and then displayed as an image on a video screen showing organs of interest at selected levels of the body with each scan being a single slice - CT examinations produce detailed organ studies
by stacking individual image slices.
CT- Dissecting Aortic Aneurysm
why would you take a Cardiac CT? (3)
- General
- Calcium Scoring -Coronary calcification
- CT Coronary angiography
Cardiac CT Background
1st generation of scanners lacked the temporal and spatial
resolution to accurately image the coronary arteries
Invasive coronary angiography was the only way to directly
visualise the coronary vessels
Basic coronary anatomy (8)
Left coronary artery
circumflex artery
left marginal artery
diagonal arteries
left anterior descending artery
posterior descending artery
right marginal artery
right coronary artery
What is calcium scoring + how is it scored? (7)
- Calcification of coronary arteries is a sign of atherosclerotic
disease - Amount and site of calcification can be quantified with CT
using visual interpretation and a computer algorithm
0 = no evid CAD
1-10 = minimal CAD
11-100 = mild CAD
101-400 = Moderate CAD
>400 = Severe CAD
calcium scoring advantages (6)
- Quick (10-20 seconds acquisition)
- Non-invasive
- Low dose <2mSv (10 CXR’s)
- No preparation required
- No contrast
- Useful prognostic indicator in low risk
group – 70% would have no calcium
therefore reassured
Coronary Artery CT facts (3)
- 1990’s - Development of 64 slice with multi-row
detector CT scanners allowed high resolution
and faster imaging for accurate coronary artery
visualisation - Dose 7-10mSv
- Non-invasive – only i.v. iodinated contrast
(need to check renal function) - patient is
monitored only for a short period before
Cardiac CT ECG gating (3)
Retrospective / Prospective Gating
Image is acquired in seconds with ECG gating
(1 breath hold)
Vessel walking
Reconstruction of 3D vessel path in one plane with Maximal Intensity
Projection (MIP)
- Right coronary artery
Cardiac CT angiography - Right coronary occlusion benefits (5)
Directly visualises vessel lumen, wall and plaque (including soft plaque)
- More accurate than any other non-invasive
imaging modality - Studies show excellent diagnostic accuracy in
detection of significant stenoses: Sensitivity
94% Specificity 97% - Negative predicative value 95%
-if it is reported as “normal” the patient will not have any significant CAD!
Direct Arterial Access with advance of Catheter from Brachial or Femoral or Approach all the way into Coronary Arteries