Cardiovascular history taking Flashcards
Introduce yourself, confirm patient’s details (name, DOB and age)- gain informed consent (I’ve been asked by one of the docs to discuss what it is that’s brought you here today, everything said kept confidential- is it okay if we go ahead?)
* if at any stage today you feel the pain is too much, I can ask the nurse for some painkillers
Presenting complaint
Open q’s- where is your pain? how can I help you today?
History of presenting complaint
S- site O- onset C- character R- radiation A- associated symptoms T- time E- exacerbating factors S- severity (/10)
History of presenting complaint- ask have they noticed any of these?
Dyspnoea- subjective feeling of difficulty breathing, can be caused by heart failure, pulmonary disease, pleural effusion, anaemia, obesity or anxiety
Orthopnoea- difficulty breathing while supine
Assc. w CHF or severe lung diseases
Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea- sudden wakening from sleep w/ shortness of breath, CHF or astmha
Ankle swelling/oedema- HF, usually symmetrical, worse in evening- can ascend up legs, lower abdomen + sacral areas in severe cases
Palpitations- fast? regular? irregular? skipped beats? length? other symptoms, eg dysponoea chest pain syncope
Syncope- fainting, cerebral anoxia thorugh inadequate blood flow- lost consciousness? how- any warnings? spontaneous recovery? how long to? bystanders?
Intermittent claudication- pain in 1/both legs (calves) through walking- claudication distance
History of it suggests PVD, poor blood supply to affected limbs- with inc. severity it may occur at rest
Past medical history
Any other medical/ CV problems in past? How’s your general health- any operations?
Not to miss anything- diabetes, HT, MI, angina, stroke?
Associated risk factors of condition you may be dealing w?
Drug history
Taking any? allergies? what reactions? prescriptions, over the counter, herbal
Any illicit/recreational drugs?
Family history
Any medical conditions run in the family? diabetes, ht, stroke, chd- if there is which member? age of onset?
Social history
Smoker? ever smoked? what smoking? how many?
Alcohol? units?
Symptoms impacted life? mental health? social life? what are the patients Ideas Concerns Expectations
To finish
Review symptoms- resp, GI, GU, MSK, Nervous
Summarise back to patient- ——— have i missed anything?
—- is a —- came into today with ——-, to complete my exam i would perform a physical exam of JVP and CXR
potentially 12 lead ecg, treadmill, tracer or CT