Anaemia history taking Flashcards
Background of anaemia
low concentration of haemoglobin- <135g/l men, <115g/l women, blood test used in diagnosis: can be caused by
- insufficient intake of iron, b12 or folate
- sickle cell or thalassemia (genetic)
- excess haemoglobin loss through overt/ covert bleeding- cancer?
History of presenting complaint
Introduction, consent and explanation- let them tell the natural history of their current problem (so what has brought you here today?)
How long have you felt this way? Gradual/ sudden/ anything bring it on
Pattern? e.g time of day
Anthing make it better or worse?
Any associated symptoms?
Other general questions- appetite? any changes in weight (especially loss), how are you sleeping? general mood? headaches? fever symptoms?
History of presenting complaint continued
Heart and lungs can be affected by anaemia so ask about
- Shortness of breath
- Shortness of breath while lying down
- Waking up short of breath during night
- Chest pain
- Palpitations
- Fainting
- Ankle swelling
What causes to consider in HPC?
Ask especially about diet- what do they normally eat, are they vegan/ vegetarian etc
GI- vomiting blood/ coffee ground material, indigestion/heartburn/reflux- passing blood in stool/ very dark or black motions?
GU- heavy or frequent menstrual bleeding/ pregnancy/ blood in urine/ dark urine?
Resp- chronic cough/ chest infections/ sputum/ coughing up blood
Also- nosebleeds, bleeding gums and easy bruising
Past medical history
How is your general health? any medical conditions/ operations?
I’m going to run through a few conditions to make sure we don’t miss anything
- recent injuries, previous blood transfusions, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, peptic ulcer disease, previous anaemia
Drug history
Do you take any medication? any new medication?
- prescribed medications
- over the counter medications (aspirin/ NSAIDS especially- GI bleeding)
- Herbal medication
- side effects/ allergies? what type of reaction?
Any illicit drug use
Family history
Any inherited blood disorders- do any medical conditions run in your family? which members/ age of onset?
Social history
do you smoke? if so what? how many per day/ have you ever smoked?
Alcohol- how many units pw?
occupation? previous job?
how have the symptoms impacted your life?
To finish the consultation
Review of systems? Resp, GI, GU, MSK, nervous
summarise findings back to patient- ensure nothing has been missed