Cardiovascular Gross Anatomy Flashcards
identify and name anatomic structures of the CV system including atria, ventricles, pericardium, and valves
see pictures
be familiar with surface topography, walls, and internal features of the heart
pericardium, myocardium, endocardium, see pictures, chordae tendinae
be able to trace the normal path of blood flow through the heart
we got this one
list and locate structures that provide blood supply to the heart
coronary arteries:
horses: left and right coronary arteries have equal contributions to myocardium; only right azygous vein present (like dog), drains into cranial vena cava
cows: left coronary artery contributes bulk of blood flow to heart; LEFT AND right azygous veins (left drains into right atrium at coronary sinus)
be able to recognize the great vessels cranial and caudal to the heart
cranial: aorta, brachiocephalic trunk, which gives off subclavian artery (both L and R in cow and horse) and later on gives off the bicarotid trunk (not really present in the dog), pulmonary trunk, common carotid artery
caudal: descending aorta?
know the location of the heart in the thorax, relative to the ribs
be able to demonstrate the location of the puncta maxima
left AV/mitral valve
horse and dog: low in the left 5th ICS
cow: low in the left 4th ICS
aortic valve:
horse and cow and dog: high in the left 4th ICS
pulmonic valve:
horse and cow and dog: low in the left 3rd ICS
Right AV/tricuspid valve:
horse and dog: low in the right 4th ICS
cow: low in the right 3rd or 4th ICS