Cardiovascular Anatomy & Physiology Flashcards
Explain the anatomy of the Heart
- cone-shaped structure
- inverted pyramid
- small, roughly same size of closed fist
- 2/3 mass points towards the LEFT
of the heart
- Diaphragm
- Mediastinum
Central portion of thoracic cavity; a mass of tissue extend from sternum to vertebral column between 2 lungs
Bottom of the heart is the __
Upper part of the heart is the ___
Bottom: Apex
Upper: Base
Orientation of APEX of heart
Points to the left
Orientation of BASE of heart
Points to the right
Lining of the heart
A fibrous, connective sac that encloses the heart and protects heart from trauma and infection
2 layers of the pericardium
- Fibrous
- Serous
Outermost layer that prevents overstretching of heart and anchors heart to mediastinum
Innermost layer that is attached to the myocardium
Outermost layer of Serous pericardium that adheres tightly in the fibrous pericardium and prevents overstretching
Parietal serous pericardium
Also known as the “Epicardium” and adheres tightly in the heart
Visceral serous pericardium
a lubricant that decreases the friction in the heart. Located between the visceral and parietal SP
Pericardial fluid
Normal amount of pericardial fluid
Decrease in Pericardial fluid results to:
(+) Pericardial friction rub
Increase in PF results to:
Increase = (-) pain but prone to death d/t cardiac arrest
(+) Cardiac Tamponade
3 layers of the heart
(Superficial to Deep)
Anterior Surface of the heart
(Sternocostal Surface)
- Sternum
- RA and RV
Posterior Surface of the heart
(Base Surface)
- RA and LA
Forms the most ANTERIOR surface
Right Ventricle
Forms the most POSTERIOR surface
Left Atrium
Inferior surface of the heart
(Diaphragmatic Surface)
- LV and RV
LV forms the apex of the heart
Receiving chambers of the heart; receives blood
LA and RA
Anterior wall of 2 atria that are rough d/t presence of the muscle___
Pectinate muscles
Divider between 2 atria
Oval depression - ____
Interatrial Septum
Fossa Ovalis
Foramen Ovale = opening of interatrial septum
Fossa Ovalis: remnant
Pumping chambers of the heart; pumps blood
RV and LV
Ridges of the cardiac muscle
Trabeculae carnae
Cone-shaped structure of the trabeculae carnae where chordae tendinae is attached
Papillary muscle
Divider of 2 ventricles
Interventricular septum
Prevents backflow of blood
AV = Atrioventricular Valves
SL = Semilunar Valves
Inlet valves___ ;
Outlet valves ____
Inlet: AtrioVentricular
Outlet: SemiLunar
What are the AtrioVentricular Valves (AV)
Tricuspid valve (RA - RV)
Bicuspid valve/ Mitral valve
(LA - LV)
Prevents backflow from
lungs to RV
Pulmonary/ Pulmonic Valve
Prevents backflow from the aorta to LV
Aortic valve
List blood vessels in order where RBC will pass from systemic veins to systemic arteries
IVC- Pulmonary Artery - Pulmonary vein - Aorta
Correct route of blood through the heart from the systemic circulation to the pulmonary circulation and back to the systemic circulation
RA - TV - RV - P SLV - LA - BV/MV - LV - A SLV
Number of Heart Sounds
S1-S2 = Audible (stethoscope)
S3-S4 = Audible (phonocardiogram)