Cardiovascular A&P Flashcards
Low density lipoproteins (LDL)
Moves cholesterol from the liver to the parts of the body
Risk factors that can’t not be modified are called?
Non-modifiable or fixed.
High density chorlestoral
Moves cholesterol from the body back to the liver to be broken down or recycled
Sedentary death syndrome
Heath condition caused or worsened by lack of adequate physical activity.
C-reactive proteins
Proteins produced by the liver and released into bloodstream when active inflammation is present.
Protein produced by the liver which is necessary for normal blood clotting.
Stroke volume
Tricuspid valve
Three separate leaflets
Arteries are ___________ vessels.
Arteries are designed to carry blood under
High pressure
Smallest branch of the arteries
Connect arteries and veinules
Smallest brach if the vein
Veins are ________ vessels.
The anterior surface of the heart is composed of the?
Rt ventricle
The hearts inferior surface is formed by?
Both the Rt and Lt. ventricle
The largest vein that drains the heart?
Coronary sinus
Apical impulse
Impulse that can be felt at the apex of heart.