Cardiovascular Flashcards
Drug given to close PDA
increased LV diastolic pressure in patient with mitral stenosis indicates what other pathologic condition in this patient’s heart?
dysfunctional aortic valve
isolated Mitral stenosis causes changes in vascular pressure in what anatomical location
pulmonary artery pressure (pulmonary hypertension)
Effect of long standing pulmonary hypertension
results in reduced pulmonary compliance due to endothelial-mediated pulmonary vasoconstriction, reactive hypertrophy of arterial muscle layer, and partial obliteration of pulmonary capillary bed.
isolated mitral stenosis causes elevated pressure in what heart chamber
left atrium, which is then transmitted to pulmonary veins and capillaries (increase pulmonary wedge cap pressure)
Diastolic pressure in left ventricle in patient with severe mitral stenosis
usually normal or even decreased
absence of peripheral edema is best explained by which compensatory mechanism
tissue lymphatic drainage
chronic hypoxia in COPD leads to…
pulmonary vasoconstriction, increased pulmonary artery pressure, and right heart failure
Right heart failure causes what changes in systemic vascular pressure
increased CVP and excessive hydrostatic pressure, predisposing to peripheral edema
factors that favor development of peripheral edema (4)
- elevated capillary hydrostatic pressure 2. decreased plasma oncotic pressure 3. sodium and water retention 4. lymphatic obstruction
peripheral edema is accumulation of fluid in what compartment
interstitial space
holosystolic murmur best heard at apex of heart that radiates to axilla
MITRAL REGURGITATION; generated by regurgitant blood flow from LV back to LA during diastole; produces audible S3
Why is audible S3 heard in mitral regurgitation?
elevated pressure and blood volume in LA, increased the amount of blood reentering LV during DIASTOLE;
mechanism behind audible s3 gallop
generated by the sudden cessation of blood flow into LV during passive filling phase of diastole. LV is unable to accommodate excess blood flow
when you see S3, think..
classically associated with heart failure
Absence of S3…
used to exclude severe chronic MR
low-frequency diastolic sound that occurs during the atrial kick of ventricular diastole, reflects blood colliding with stiff ventricular wall
S4 pathology
indicated hypertrophic caridiomyopathy or concentric left ventricular hypertrophy (due to hypertension or aortic stenosis)
mid-systolic click
characteristic or mitral valve prolapse; occurs earlier in systole with physical maneuvers that decrease left ventricular volume