Cardiovascular Flashcards
What is the difference between acute and subacute endocarditis?
acute = normal valves
subacute= abnormal valves
What is happening in a cardiac tamponade?
constriction by fluid
What is the definition of a hypertensive emergency?
increased BP + end organ damage
What is the ABI in peripheral vascular disease?
ABI < 0.90
What is first line in bradycardia?
What are the AV node blockers?
an M shape in lead II = what?
left atrial enlargement
tall P wave in lead II = what?
right atrial enlargement
How quickly can you decrease BP in a hypertensive emergency?
25% in first hour by IV
5-`15% over the next 23 hours
with an aortic dissection need to use BB to get to 100-120 systolic
Diff in symptoms between pericarditis and pericardial effusion?
acute pericarditis: sharp, pleuritic substernal chest pain, relieved by sitting forward, cardiac friction rub
chronic pericarditis: progressive dyspnea, fatigue, weakness, edema, hepatomegaly, ascites
pericardial effusion: painful or painless, cough, dyspnea
tx constrictive pericarditis
tx pericardial effusion
dx studies for AAA: screening and then after
screening: US
after: contrast CT for further evaluation
gold standard: angiography used before surgical intervention
dx of dissecting aortic aneurysm
CT with contrast becoming test of choice
MRI angiography is the gold standard
TEE can be used for initial eval
electrical alternans goes with what heart problem?
pericardial effusion
its swinging in the fluid